Monday, November 1, 2010

Tips training puppy - teaching down on command

You can teach your dog bed ("Down"), as soon as he learned the command "Assis" correctly.To do this, leave the 'Assis' dog and gives then the command "Down."Then gently pull legs before dog it flexibility in a position.
Your other hand is based on the rear of the dog to prevent later crawl towards the rear. At the same time, give the command "Down."If the dog remains low, reward it immédiatement.Pour teach this command for a dog dominant require some doing, because it brings in a subordinate position. Whatever happens, avoid a struggle, but do not give too easily.
Dogs who appreciate the food can be taught this command in a different way.You hold a piece of delicious in your fist tight firmly in front of his dog nez.Votre cannot see food, but he can smell. First, tell the dog to "Sit" and gives then the command "Down."Press it gently with your other hand to indicate what you want.
You can encourage your puppy, but don't forget that it is not "good" until it is allongée.Plus dog goes over your hand opens .a time the dog is really lying, you open your hand completely and he can eat the tidbit.Firstly, it is enough when your dog is right for a later, you can require him to lie that you give "OK".
"Stay" command
Stay on command requires that your dog must remain exactly where it is when you give the command. Basically, the dog can be elongated, sitting or standing, but initially, it is easier to learn this position sitting or located.
Having your dog to sit on your left and place it on the u.s. leaves to ensure that you have the undivided attention of your baby and give the command "Stay."You can then take a step forward or sideways, but keep the dog on the left.If the puppy rest sit, reward it at the same time.It is a "Very good" dog.If it rises at the same time - and most of them - to say "No!" and position it to exactly in the same place yet once, after which you repeat command and step more far yet.Some dogs are very stubborn, so by persevering and are not too soon.
"Stay" is stay
Later, you can implement this command off the coast of the laisse.Le do in a quiet, green area where the dog can not just withdraw and only after he obeys properly command "Here".prendre notes, however, that your dog must not stop its own gré.donc command still give "OK" at the end of the year versus soon give you the OK depends on the capabilities and age of the dog but, generally speaking, small kids are easily distracted, and you can expect to stay located in more than a few seconds to stand at nouveau.Pour avoid this by giving the dog "OK" or "Alright", or any word that you use, quickly enough.
Some dogs have a tendency to "cheat".they creep towards you or walk a little and then lie down or sit down once consistent plus.Être does not accept it.
 how to train a puppy, training your puppy, training a puppy
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