Thursday, November 18, 2010


There is no incongruity in the idea that during very early home of the man in this world he was a friend and comrade-in-one any native representative of our dog modern and that in exchange for his assistance in the protection of wild animals in him and warned his sheep and goats, he gave a part of its food, a corner in her housing and is passed to the confidence that it and take care. The animal was probably originally little other than an exceptionally mild Jackal or ill Wolf led his companions the marauding wild immune to pack in a foreign environment. Well can design the possibility of the beginning of the partnership under the circumstances of some powerless whelps being reduced by early trend hunters and raised by women and children. Introduced in the House as toys for children of dogs would grow themselves, and be considered as members of the family

In almost all regions of the world traces of a family of Aboriginal dog are found, the only exceptions being the West Indian Islands, Madagascar, Malay Archipelago, the New Zealand Eastern Islands and Polynesian Islands, where there is no sign that any dog, Wolf or Fox has existed as a genuine native animal. In the former Eastern lands and among the Mongols in the beginning, the dog remains wild and neglected for many centuries, usually wandering in packs, gaunt and as wolves, as he now prowls the streets and walls of each city is.No attempt was made to seduce it human or improve it in docility b.c company ' is not until we come to consider higher civilization of Assyria and Egypt that we discover the distinct varieties of canine shape files.

The dog has not greatly appreciated in Palestine and in the old and the new testament it is commonly spoke from scorn and contempt as "unclean beast." Even familiar reference the shepherd in the book of job "but now they who are younger than I have me ridiculing, whose fathers I would have despised to set my herd dogs" is not without a suggestion of contempt, and it is significant that the biblical reference only to the dog as a companion recognized human occurs in the apocryphal book of Tobit (v. 16), "if they went outlined the two and that the young man with dog."

The great multitude of different breeds of dog, and the vast differences in their size, points and their general appearance are facts which is difficult to believe that they could have an ancestor commun.Un thinks the difference between the Mastiff and the Japanese Spaniel, the Deerhound Pomerania fashionable, St. Bernard and miniature black and Tan Terrier is puzzled by contemplating the possibility of their being descended from a common ancestor.Yet the difference does not exceed that between Shire horse the Shetland pony, the shorthorn cattle from Kerry, or Patagonia and the Pygmies; and all dogs breeders know how it is easy to produce a variety in the type and size by studied selection.

To fully understand this issue, should all first to consider the identity of the structure in the Wolf and the dog.This identity structure can best be explored in a comparison of bone system or skeletons, two animals, which closely resemble other that their transposition would not readily be detected.

The spine of the dog is composed of seven vertebrae in the neck, thirteen in the back, seven in the loins, three sacral vertebrae and twenty in the tail twenty in-two.The dog and the Wolf, there are thirteen pairs of ribs, nine true and four false. Everyone has 42 dents.Les have two to five and four rear toe, then towards outside the Wolf has so much the appearance of a large dog NU-boned, a popular description of would be to another.

Neither habits natural diffèrent.Voix Wolf is yelling loudly, but when confined with dogs learn to bark. Although it is carnivorous, feeding on also vegetables, and when Pawson is nibble grass.In the pursuit, a pack of wolves divide into parts, a sequel to the career track others attempting to intercept his retirement, exercise a considerable amount of strategy, a trait that is exposed by many of our sporting dogs and Burrows in the hunt for teams.

A pleased of the similarity of Canis lupus Canis familiaris point lies in the fact that the period of gestation in both species is sixty-three days.There are nine three Cubs in litter the Wolf, and they are blind to twenty and a jours.Ils are breast-fed for two months, but at the end of the time, they are capable of eating digested meat half sent to them by their dam or even their father.

The dogs native across approximately closely in size, colour, shape and usually native Wolf in these regions.This most important circumstance, there is much too case to enable sound be regarded as a mere coincidence.Sir John Richardson, written in 1829, observed that "the similarity between North American wolves and domestic dogs Indian is so great that the size and strength of Wolf appears to be the only difference."

It has been suggested as the unquestionable an argument against the Lupine dog relationship is the fact that all domestic dogs of bark, while wild Canids express their feelings by hurlements.Mais difficulty here not so great since we that jackals, wild dog and wolf pups by bitches readily reared dress acquire know, apparently RTI ' on the other hand, the domestic dogs allowed to run wild forget how bark, although there are some who have not yet learned so to speak.

The presence or absence of the barking habit can not, then, considered as an argument to decide the question concerning the origin of the stumbling block chien.Cette disappears as a result, leaving us in the position agreed with Darwin, which latter hypothesis was that "it is very likely that domestic dogs of the world have descended of two species of Wolf (lupus v. and v. latrans) and two or three other good bad wolf namely, European, Indian and North Africa; at least one or two species canine South America; several races or species forms perhaps one or more species extinct species".and as blood of these, in some cases mingled together, flows in the veins of our domestic breeds.

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