Thursday, November 25, 2010


Collie dog makes an excellent dog sports and it can be taught to do the work of the pointer and the setter, as well as the Spaniel and recovery. It can be trained to perform the duties of other races. He is adept at hunting, having an excellent nose, a good pest-killer and a quarter most trusty, guard and companion.

We know with certainty the origin of the Collie, but his ruse and its external appearance suggests a relationship with the wild dog.Buffon was of the view that it was the true nature, the stock dog and canine species model ensemble.Il considered superior Shepherd instinct and intelligence to all other races, and, with a character in which education has involved relatively small, it is the only fully trained born animal for the service of man.

Illustrates it the type of dog is consistently at the top of the class. It is considered the more simplified and it is certainly the more agile. Second of its kind in favour is the smooth coated variety, a dog very hard, useful, well suited to the work of the Hill and usually very fleet of foot.It is not so sweet temperament as black and white and it is slow to an amis.Il does not exist a dog more graceful and physically beautiful to see that show the current period Collie. Produced from the former type of work, it is now almost a separate breed.

The skull should be gradually gradually to the eyes, flat and moderately wide between the ears.It is only a slight depression to shutdown .the skull width necessarily dependent length of skull and mouth. and all must be considered in the context of the size of the dog. Cheek should not be complete or prominent.

Muzzle should be a fair length nose cone-shaped and must not show weakness or snipy or lippy. Whatever the color of the dog, the nose should be black. The teeth should be fit and sound level. very slight unevenness is permitted. Clean cut and powerful jaws.The eyes are a very important characteristic and give expression to the chien.ils must be of medium size, set a little obliquely, almond shaped and Brown except in the case of Robins, when the eyes are frequently (one or two) blue and white or China. complete expression of intelligence, insight alert rapid when listening. The ears must be small and moderately wide at the base and not too close, but on the top of the skull and not on the side of the head. At rest, they must be transported usually thrown back, but when put forward and transported warning built with slightly pending councils in the attitude of listening.

Neck should be muscular and powerful fair length and slightly arched.The body must be strong, with jailli coasts, deep, broad chest behind the shoulders, which should be in slope, loins very puissants.Le dog must be right.The fore legs should be straight and muscular, or no output to the elbow with a quantity just of bone.the somewhat fleshy forearm, showing flexibility without weak pasterns.Hind - should be muscle on the thighs, clean and sinewy below the shins, with conceals many curved.Feet must be shaped, soles well padded, oval and toes arched and close together.

In general character it is agile active dog, deep chest showing lung power, his strength of neck, shoulder sloping and well curved neckstrap indicating the speed and intelligence of high expression.Il should be a length just on the leg, by giving more than one cloddy racé.En appearance a few words, a Collie should show endurance, activity and intelligence, with actions free vraie.Hauteur dogs should be 22 insurance 24 insurance on the shoulders, insurance bitches 20 to 22 ins.Le weight for dogs is 45-65 lbs, bitches instructed smooth Basset Hound 40 lb differs from gross in his coat, which should be hard, dense and very smooth.

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