Saturday, November 27, 2010

Dogs outside

Dogs outside

From: Dennis Fetko, ph. d., "Dr. dog"

I know hundreds of dog breeds, but what's this "dog out"?Unless you are intolerant of it (so there is no emergency medical take care of it, so you should), execution of a dog to stay out of it waste costly. If it is to protect, what do you think I want to steal your lawn? When you leave, do not insert your Stow and children out of your yard? What exactly is the dog "protection" outside?

Most dogs kept outside cause nuisance barking lot more complaints than any deterrent, escapes to penetration. Complaints such cause teasing, antagonism, dropping poisoning I've lost count of how many times I heard: "NOW I know why you find so many rocks, sticks, cans in my yard! They're throwing them my dog! "or:" so this is why I had to replace the lock to set 17 times in the last year! "the dog victim helpless, and it is no laughing matter

If I bring your dog is outside, your fence protects ME, not the possessions or dog. If I just open the gate to the 9/11 dogs run! I can safely shoot, stab, spear, poison, snare, strangle or dart him through the fence.You lost your dog only and all I steal! if it is possible to keep out of reach, is useless. Bark, but outside the dogs bark so much they are usually ignored. But let a dog to hit the other side of the door or window I break, I'm GONE! I have no pain until it hurt me, and nothing you its worth my arm.Deterrence is effective protection.

And protection against aggression are not the same. Protection is a defensive, tested passive often intimidating or injures any.Active aggression, harmful, offensive, threatening, no dogs in the yard to develop effective often aggression than protectivity because everyone who passes or enter already has a violation of the territory of a dog is dozens of times a day for years. This is not the protection, is not what you want, it overlooks two facts of life today:

1) implicit social contract property owners with others in the community. Carriers of the letter, the boys of paper, delivery people, law enforcement, emergency medical personnel, readers, and meter allowed sometimes your specific property without your permission. Sure it was ten years old this year should jump a fence after his ball, kite, or Frisbee; However, neither you nor your dog is allowed to make him vulnerable if he does.

2) picture this: the neighbor looks into the courtyard or your window and sees you, your wife or your child laying the floor in the pool of blood. they call 9-1-1 and the dog paramedics help! Should they shoot your dog or just to let you die? A great choice. 2) even if the intruder to behave, in a few allow you or your cause physical injury dog avoid loss of property.Convicted felons have sued the owner of the dog from prison, has won more series are was stolen! Appalling, but true. Don't believe your travel insurance covers loss. homeowners now you understand why many feel that "the dog outside" no brainer.

More dog is outside, control your behavioral less easy to troubleshoot. covered four or five than only one space. The reason is simple: the more controlling stimuli from the dog, control its responses. You have more control over your living room than above your County! When he bored but teased by each dog, cat, bird, a squirrel, a motorcycle, paperboy, airplane, effigies, truck backfiring with the rabbit, OF course, dig, the condition in which bark will sit still all day every day?Do extra vtpil medical fee, especially as the age of the dog?

When the dog he alone was taken indoors are still 30% there because the smell and is associate with you constantly remind you of your training.When he leaves, he alone if you home or not.Do you expect to keep you in the whole world teases, hold and stimulates it?

The media is full of stories about dogs family saving everyone during the fire.How many people, including children, have died today if these dogs were kept?Of course, you always get to investigate each time your yard dog barks.And me bridge …This

The dog outside has an address, the name of your dog home. get so much mail he needs its own address? proposal dogs real value is companion animals do you live in your yard? his social safeguard your yard dog? stop the behavior problems and begin to enjoy the swim and protection.

Bring your dogs.

The author, Dr. Dennis Fetko, "Dr. dog behaviorist," he who has appeared vlhtira live on the show TV 20/21, managed reintroduction of captive bred animals Arabian oryx detainee out into the wild of the National Research Center for Arab Saudi, made a presentation to the veterinary Congress of South America in his ebook. Dr. dog, FAST, easy, FUN behavior solutions reveals his proven methods for achieving the barking, chewing, digging, jump, pulling and his puppy housetraining methods. Click here for more information.(Replace your affiliate link).

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