Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Negative effects of Tethering: Unchain your dog

Negative effects of Tethering: Unchain your dog

From: Dennis Fetko, ph. d., "Dr. dog"

Tying or concatenates a dog (bsblm fixed) in a single way to curb the worst for several reasons.("Air" or "rolling" bsblm, where the main line of the dog is a long second give the lateral movement, the dog only better margins, considered

Viable alternative). a number of factors affect bites dog tethering is primary among them.. is bad, BAD, and causes the death of the dog and the injury of many beings annually. And that's completely unnecessary.

* Tethering contributes very directly aggression and increases the danger for humans and animals to wake the dog related.

* He exposes the dog to teasing absently and directed by human beings, animals, loud mglgli objects (skates, skateboards, Hot Wheels, bicycle, etc.) making provision very negative responses to all these articles.

* Dogs naturally resist external power.Tethering runs built-in resistance (thigmotaxic) reflexive response to tempt him to access towards different random simply because stimuli is understated.

* It shows the pain and discomfort of restraint into any interaction.Pain and discomfort they shared motives for aggression on their own.Added to this perceived threats and thigmotaxis, they explosion.

* It reduces the minuscule size of the dog's territory, thereby concentrating protectivity pack, den, object, territorial and food to one area, small.

* It would be forced aberrational behavior such as unnaturally eat, sleep, play, mark and in close proximity to each other. dogs naturally protect where they live, sleep and eat, mark.Having all concentrated in the less significantly increases aggressiveness protects.

* Dog has two natural attack or threat responses: fight or Flight.It can run away or attack the attacker caught;He sees the choice to remain alive. tethering ??????? aggression defensive attack by preventing obviously to punish the efforts to escape, but offers no

Protection against the actual or perceived threats.

* It strengthens aggression through conditionality and learning because the passersby speed up and "escape" when the dog lunges, thus reinforcing brglch aggressive by removing the "threat" more quickly.

* It increases the pressure of the dog by exposing the same volume of moving stimuli antagonistic to humans, dogs and animals.

* Actual dog welfare is poor, is perceived by expose the attacks, accidents, poisoning direct and indirect, animal hospital, spray only letter carriers, etc.

Better options: some fence the property taken indoors, or provide a run-out or dog's Kennel. If not implemented by the owners of the alternatives, except for the species as a pet lhnichio is specified for this household.

The author, Dr. Dennis Fetko, "Dr. dog behaviorist," he who has appeared vlhtira live on the show TV 20/21, managed reintroduction of captive bred animals Arabian oryx detainee out into the wild of the National Research Center for Arab Saudi, made a presentation to the veterinary Congress of South America in his ebook. Dr. dog, FAST, easy, FUN behavior solutions reveals his proven methods for achieving the barking, chewing, digging, jump, pulling and his puppy housetraining methods. Click here for more information.(Replace your affiliate link).

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