Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stop-do not Feed your puppy as

"Sam just loves these chocolate chip cookies," said puppy owners with pride.

"Well, you don't have to feed him these cookies" shot back sams coach. "You have to stop feeding your puppy your food."

How many of us love to feed our puppies all types of food to their detriment. We say that we love our pets but we send them to an early grave by the things we feed them.

Its true, puppies must be fed several times a day more than grown dogs. Four times a day are not rare. Consistency is the name of the game.

Moreover, help your puppy by consistently feeding him. If you feed him on a regular basis, he will give you a regular bowel movement. All helps with potty training.

Keep children away from Sam when he eats.  Give fella space.  Do you like people crowding around you when you eat? And keep in mind that if his feeding area is on one side of a room, put their litter area on opposite sides. How often do you eat your meal in the bathroom?

Honestly, what they call dog food today is shameful. Don't waste your money. Don't feed your puppy slop. One size fits all just doesn't cut it with dog food. Think about it. A puppy that's growing has different nutritional needs than a full grown dog.

Let me explain it here. I have a fast-growing 18 year old son. Our food bill for him will leave us in the poor house before long. My wife keeps saying he's a growing boy.

I wonder, did he eat so much. Those who can relate to what I say just give me a nudge with your computer. Yes! Thank You!

What's comedic is this. He is not a little fat. He is incredible trim and agile. On the other hand, when I look at food, seems my stomach get bigger.

I said to say this. Growing puppies (my son), have different nutritional needs than the big dogs (me). (Somehow, that big dog thing made me feel good.)

So with all these different brands out there vying for your dollars, which one do you choose? Well, lets start with a simple reply first. Sam has to want to. Watch puppy your for signs of stomach increasing size and Flatulence and regurgitations.

Is Sam from energetic breed of dogs? Do not feed the Sam high fat foods if he sleeps all day. And remember that presentation can mean a lot to your plate, but that doesn't mean much for its sign. More than likely Sam does not see the color anyway. He uses smell and taste.

Only a split shot. When does Sam eat? Do not touch his food. He will bite you nomatter who you are. Instincts tend to take over. He will bite the hand that feeds him, believe me.

Here's a nice dog tips:

I started this article about people feeding their puppy the food they eat. Should they?

Well, I guess the answer is Yes and no. Do not feed the Sam high fat, high sugar foods. Under no circumstances can you feed your dog chocolate. You could kill him out right. In addition, do not feed him onions, grapes and raisins.

You can feed him vegetables, pasta, rice and some fruits. All in moderation. I know that you'll think of a bone, it is okay. Well ... you be the judge of that.

Cooked bones splinter. Raw bones crack. Bone splinters can cause damage to Sam's mage. Watch your puppy, your puppy knows. Educate yourself constantly about your puppy for your sake.

Wycliffe Williams has always had animals in his family. A puppy given to Herman was particularly important to him as a child. Do you know what you can and cannot feed your puppy? Would you like to be informed about your puppy? Give yourself now! Protect your puppy. Arm yourself with nutritional info for your puppy. To get this info click here [].

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