Friday, December 31, 2010

Train Your Canine Right Away To Stop Dog Biting

Train your dog to have good and consistent behavior to stop dog biting. You can show in the life-style of your dog that you are its master and that you must be obeyed. This can be helped in part by taking the dog to an obedience school. In the sessions at the school, the leader will educate both you and your dog on proper behavior and the suggested way to discipline the dog to encourage better dog manners.

Puppies can be taught good manners because they have not learned bad behaviors as a way of making their needs known. They do this to get their own way, much as small children do. This doggie education should keep the pet from behaving badly in a new environment or around others. Allowing the bad behavior to continue will stop dog biting. Young dog behavior is excited and active, which lets the puppy live at full steam during most of his/her time awake. The young dog must be shown at an early age to channel that surplus energy without first ruining the house or practicing habits such as biting and chewing.

While larger breeds, are considered dangerous because of the size, studies of many dogs have shown that many types of dogs can be successfully raised in loving homes. The known breeds should be handled with extra care and gentle understanding while they are being trained to be obedient.

Many larger dogs have a reputation for being aggressive or dangerous. This is not always the case. When the dogs are treated with love and care, their propensity to end up behaving inappropriately will be reduced.

It is critical to teach your dog properly and to show the dog the behavior you expect to see. Thousands of injuries are the result of dog bites. Correct training will encourage the pet to form good habits and disregard bad ones. It does not matter what type of dog you have, love and trust is important. This reinforcement of love and gentleness at an early age can reduce the likelihood that they will unexpectedly bite a stranger!

Dogs that feel threatened are more apt to bite. Helping your dog avoid threatening situations is one good way to avoid behavior in which the dog might bite. For example, do not go near other dogs during training.

A dog might attack when they are defending their master. In addition, a mother dog may bite to protect her puppies if she feels they are in danger. Training the dog and making it feel secure and protected is one thing that will help in winning its trust. Showing a desire to work with your dog can create a close relationship between you two.

You can begin to reinforce good behavior in your dog in a number of ways. Start off using a system of rewards in the form of treats to reinforce for your dog that his/her actions are desirable and should be repeated. Watch your pet's food intake to preserve the good health of your pet and avoid over-feeding your him if you are using treats during training.

Stop dog biting while your dog is little because they are easy to teach at that age. Show your dog love and loyalty so they will do the same. You will gain an affectionate and loyal friend for life!

Wilhelm Schnell
Want to have a well behaved dog? Visit our website for more information about how to stop dog biting. Be sure to check out our other FREE dog training articles.

The Pack Theory of Dog Biting

The Pack Theory of Dog Biting

I once owned a sweet natured Beagle. One day when he was about 9 years old, I saw he was chewing on something that was dangerous for him to have. When he saw me approach him, he started to run under a bed.

I made the mistake of trying to grab what he was chewing. He swung his head around and bit me for the first time ever. He tried to stop himself when he realized his action, so his teeth did not go deep. He looked at me with those big brown apologetic Beagle eyes and cowered.

I was not angry with him, but I started thinking about why does a dog bite anyone, especially the human that has cared for him for almost a decade. In this case my Beagle knew he had broken a rule. But what about those news stories where dogs do bite people with no remorse? Did no one teach those dogs the rules?


If a puppy under six months old, the biting is very correctable. Puppies this young usually don't break the skin when they bite and people think they are just playing. The puppy is biting to try and determine his status in his new pack (your family). Refrain from this toothy playfulness or your new puppy may start to think he is the leader of the pack. Train your pup that biting is not acceptable. There is no reason to allow puppies to playfully use their teeth on human skin.

Older Puppies

By this stage, the biting no longer looks like a cute puppy game. Even if the dog is not breaking the skin, the problem is becoming serious. Now the dog is letting the owner know he think the owner is stepping out of line. It is now time for obedience training to end the biting. A dog that has been taught to respond to human commands starts to understand that the human is in charge.

Adult Dogs (about one year old)

The news story headline "dog turned on his master" catches our attention. Actually, the owner was never the master. The dog that is allowed to continue his biting behavior becomes to think of himself as the leader of the pack. The house is his and the humans are subordinate pack members. Dogs who achieve pack leadership will bite a human that they perceive to be out of line because the alpha dog protects the pack. These are the dogs that can be dangerous. Often they end up euthanized or given away to an unsuspecting new owner. But even now, this behavior can be corrected if the owner finds a qualified obedience trainer.

Dogs bite for dog reasons. A responsible pet owner must understand that a dog will instinctively follow the rules of the pack, even if he is the only dog in the house. His humans become his pack. But no matter how much we love our animal, we still must retain pack leadership.

Dog are our companions and friends. However, we must remember that they can be faster and stronger than we are, not mention their awesome set of teeth. Part of loving our animal is to teach him the rules that will help him survive in a world full of humans. If not, the consequences can be disastrous for our pet.

For a Free Course on stoping dog biting, visit

I am an animal welfare supporter. I believe that it is important to care for those who count on us to do so. I look for products and services that promote the welfare of the animals that live with me. Take a look at what I have found by visiting

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Would You Let Your Dog Bite Someone? - 5 Reasons Why Your Dog Might Just Bite!

One of the greatest fears that a dog owner can have is the thought of your dog biting someone else. This person could be an adult or even worse it could even be a small child.

Just consider for a minute the damage your animal could do to a small child if you pet decided to bite them.

It may not surprise you to know that dog biting is quite a problem around the world. There are various reasons why a animal should decide to bite someone, these could be.

1. Your dog has not been socialised correctly

2. Your pet has or could have been mishandled

3. Your dog feels that they are neglected by you the owner

4. Your animal is showing signs of area domination

5. Your pet has not been trained in the basics of good behaviour

If you know that your dog has a tendency to bite or nip does this not fill you with anxiety when you have people come to the house or when you take your animal out for a walk?

Has it got to the stage now where you do not even want to take your dog out for a walk just because of the stressful situation you find yourself in?

Are you afraid to let your pet of the lead just in case it sees another animal or person, and the fear inside you grows bigger everyday because you know sooner or later your dog is going to bite something or someone.

This is one fact to bear in mind (Over 50% of all dogs will bite another dog in their lifetime). Do not be part of this statistic.

Only you know how your dog acts around other people and other animals so it is your responsibility to ensure that your dog is safe to go out into public spaces. If your dog does bite someone then there could be a possibility of your animal being put to sleep as it may be seen a danger to society. Now you have an opportunity to ensure this does not happen to you by giving your pet the right training necessary to avoid these type of problems.

All dogs have the potential to bite someone, it is something that they are born with and depending how we train them and more importantly how we treat them will determine their potential of biting another person or another animal.

Do not let the fear that your dog might decide to bite someone ruin your relationship with your dog. Here is my No 1 recommended solution to Stop Dog Biting.

Find out how easy it is to Stop Dog Biting by. Clicking Here

Stop Your Puppy Biting in Several Easy Steps

Many puppies have a problem with biting. Gentle biting is normal in the animal world, often as a sign of affection, so it is only natural for a puppy to bite like this. The most important thing is to teach the puppy from an early age not to bite, and the best way to do this is to be firm with the canine immediately after the bite has happened. You can't explain to your dog that what it did five minutes ago was wrong, and trying to tell a dog off even a short period after the event can cause confusion and won't help train the puppy.

You should start trying to deter your dog from biting by using a keyword. Most people use no, said firmly and quickly after the bite. If this does not work you may have to try tapping your dog on the nose with a short stick, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to let it know it was wrong. Try not to tap your dog on the face with your hand as it may end up thinking it is being told off whenever you go to stroke it in the future. If the dog still does not respond to these methods, firmer techniques may have to be used. You should never try and scare your puppy though, as yo don't want a nervous dog later in life.

Make sure your dog always knows who is leader of the pack. Remember that dogs are social animals, and must be taught what is socially acceptable from a young age.

For a more in depth guide to all aspects of dog training, have a look at dog training ebook []

Richard Cross is owner and webmaster of []

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wag More Bark Less MAGNET sticker

1 Wag More, Bark Less Auto Magnet.  Love the idea of bumper stickers but have a fear of commitment? Here's your answer! This conversation piece is exactly the same style as the famous "Wag More Bark Less" bumper sticker but instead it's a long lasting auto magnet (or fridge magnet or wherever you happen to enjoy sticking your magnets!).   While resisting fading, these durable vinyl magnets easily adhere to your car and can be removed at any time.   Sure, probably you should remove them before going through the car wash but who can remember that?  Ours has gone through the car wash many many times and surprise, it's still there. Amazing.  The Wag More Bark Less auto magnet measures the exact same size as the bumper sticker:  4" x 6."
Price: $ 8.49
Click here to buy from Amazon

Zuke's Mini Naturals Dog Treats

Mini Naturals offer the healthy benefits of rice, malted barley, and essential vitamins and minerals. The finger-nail size pieces are tender, meaty, free of preservatives and contain no wheat, corn, added animal fat, artificial colors or flavors. Ideal for training or anytime as a delicious treat. Resealable pouch.

Click here to buy from Amazon

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

101 Dog Tricks: Step by Step Activities to Engage, Challenge, and Bond with Your Dog

101 Dog Tricks is the largest trick book on the market and the only one presenting full-color photos of each trick and its training steps? The step-by-step approach, difficulty rating, and prerequisites, allow readers to start training immediately. Tips and trouble-shooting boxes cover common problems, while "build-on" ideas suggest more complicated tricks which build on each new skill. No special tools (such as clickers) or knowledge of specific training methods are required. Trick training is a great way to bond with your dog and help him integrate into your family. It keeps him mentally and physically challenged and helps to establish paths of communication between you. Many tricks build skills needed for common dog sports, dog dancing, and dog therapy work. It's every dog lover's privilege that Kyra and Chalcy took time from their performing schedule to share their secrets in 101 Dog Tricks.
Price: $18.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Monday, December 13, 2010

Find the right Dog School user's dog (1)

A new koiranpentu Has recently become a member of your family? The puppies are born, instincts, but does not work in full. For this reason, it is necessary to teach koiranpentu-new functionalities and also some fun tricks. You can try to do this yourself, or you can enlist the help of dog school.

There are many different types of dog schools.What are the dog, the dog should the user the best school? considerations when searching for dog-friendly dog school includes: a user's identity, race, and what it is you want to use the user information about the age of the dog.

Is assumed to be the first to focus on what you want to learn from the user's dog.Do you want to have the user's dog, learn how to take advantage of the basic Obedience commands, such as "sit" and "stay"? do you want to learn practical exercises you can do at home, such as a user of a dog to keep them from begging food dinner table? Then the local dog schools best meets your needs.

Local dog schools can be found on the Community institutions, the city Recreation centers, pet stores, and even private dog through schools.If you prefer, you can turn the group into a maximum of 20 other dogs with this type of dog schools. [9] [10] are often expensive and to meet with the local park. They meet once or twice a week for a few weeks. You can have fun teaching new commands and user friendly dog let them yourself to dogs with a weekly.

Local dog schools may offer more advanced, as well as the categories dog training. Perhaps the user has Mastered the commands of the basic regulation, a dog and you want to teach them to hold their nose piece of food for a specified period of time and then flip it in their mouth. You can find the dog school, which is a fun, exciting advanced classes, where you are and can be denominated in a State of the user of a dog.

Can be a good idea to take the user's dog dog seems to compete with. maybe you can buy the dog found the farmer, the user who has set up a user's dog is champion of the DNA of their pedigree. If you then you should explore the depth of the dog in schools, add that specifically focuses on the processing and displaying and dog. You will find these processors and through the American Kennel Club.You can search for dog training materials and resources of the American Kennel Club's website at the following address:

You may want to receive a note of the various service dog or guide dog for the blind user's dog. Dogs, who carry out these jobs must go a special guide dog training schools. [1] [2] these specific dog schools is required because it is very detailed requirements and guide dog must learn the commands. This type of dog schools provides support, information and training necessary to make the user's successful guide-dog, the dog.

There are many Guide and service dogs school educates the user's dog in the world. [1] [2] you can search for these schools, if the breeder so requests, groomer, and veterinarian.You can also find information about these dog schools via the Internet.A comprehensive list is available in the Wolf Pack Service List Dog schools and information.You can find their website 's Web site at the following address:

After you determine what you want to learn, then you can refine your search dog schools, taking into account the age of the user's dog, the dog's personality and breed.Do you have a koiranpentu young people, which is a large, such as the United Kingdom of great Dane?Or you have a small new Bichon-Frise, dressed for writing purposes and weighing just 4 pounds? find out dogs, are allowed to dog training category type.

Fill in the dog training class many great dogs, which may scare the little Bichon Frise?-or whether the dog categories available, which is separated from the age and weight?It's a good idea to be aware of this information before you log on as a user of a dog for categories you want to offer them the best. [2] [3] experience possible and if not they cower when it is time to head dog class each week.

The second into consideration when choosing a dog is a one-on-one attention between the schools, the amount of the user's very active dog is and will not be able to sit still during the training sessions, group?, many dog schools offer private Dog trainer classes. sometimes even come to your home gives you and your own lessons pooch.

The picking list dog between schools is also the price and schedule of classes tarvitsevaa flexibility. performs a comparison price and schedule dog schools in your area. [1] [2] This helps you find the dog school, dog that fits in the schedule to the user's personality and meets your budget.

Dog between schools is an important decision, which specifies the path to the user's dog obedience to success, and choose to take the time. [1] [2] wisely, so that you can and dog your friend has memorable enjoyable dog training-experience.

Dog-site study of dog breeds & get a free dog training tips, dog health, dog grooming, and finding the dog sitters & dog walkers.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Is the Premium Dog Food Really that much better for the user's dog?

==========The Scoop on Premium Dog Food========

If you're interested in premium dog food, then I probably don't have to tell you about the importance of diet in keeping your dog active and healthy. You already know you want something better than "average" for your furry friend.

But how much do you really know about what's in a premium food and what your particular pet's needs are? I'm no veterinarian but I do know a thing or two about health and nutrition. (As a family dentist who practiced for twenty years, I saw first hand the effects of poor dietary habits on human health -- and particularly on human teeth!!).

Like you, your dog has to deal with the effects of stress, age, exertion, a polluted environment, and foods grown in nutrient-depleted soils. Unlike you, he has to get practically all of his nutrition from a single food. Sure, you may give him a few treats or the occasional table scrap (not too many I hope!), but otherwise he's eating out of the same bag or can day in and day out. You want him to get complete nutrition out of that one food.

===========Complete Nutrition?===============

Even the experts seem to disagree on exactly what complete nutrition is. Maybe this explains why there are so many formulas for premium dog food out there. There's one thing they do agree on, though: premium dog food is better for your pet than economy and grocery store brands. Although you'll pay more, it usually holds true that you get what you pay for.

Experts also agree that, because premium foods are more nutritionally dense and easier to digest, your dog won't need to eat as much. One study even concluded that if you fed your dog the recommended amounts on each package, you'd end up saving money on the premium formulas. That's because your dog needs to eat a lot less of it. (You'll save on pooper scoopers too!)

Another way to know if your dog is getting a proper diet is simply to observe him. Are his eyes bright, his coat silky and shiny, and his skin free from dryness and itching? Is he at a healthy weight? How about his energy level? This may vary from one animal to another, but as you get to know yours, you'll know when your dog isn't feeling up to par.

Of course, any persistent health problems should be looked into by your vet, and the same goes for any special dietary needs. But in general you'll know if your friend is doing well on the diet you're feeding him. If you see signs that he isn't, try a different formula or another brand of premium dog food.

Introduce new foods gradually, especially if you have a picky eater. And while we're on that subject, it's always nice if your dog enjoys eating his food. This has a lot less to do with taste than it does with smell. Dogs have fewer taste buds than we do, but about 40 times as many scent receptors. So make sure he eats with gusto, and doesn't just pick at his food.
Here are some basic guidelines you can follow:

============Essential Nutrients=============

Every dog needs the right amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Your dog must have all these in correct proportions to stay healthy. Needs vary with life stage, breed and activity level. Dog food companies make premium dog food for all life stages, from puppy to senior. An average adult dog needs a daily intake of about five ounces for every ten pounds of weight, with essential nutrients in the following proportions:

Protein --23% of total intake

Fats --5% of total intake

Carbohydrates --65% of total intake

Additional vitamins and minerals your dog needs are: Vitamins A, D, E, B-complex, Niacin, Biotin, Folic Acid, Choline, and Pantothenic Acid; Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium Chloride, Magnesium, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Iodine, and Selenium.

It's generally agreed that dogs do better on a protein source that's primarily meat rather than soybeans and grains. Check the label. All US food labels must list ingredients in order of their quantity. If meat by-products are listed, they should come after the real meat, not before it. Meat by products are an inferior source of protein, and are basically what remains after the good quality meat has been removed. "Crude protein" can be a similarly poor source, since it may include parts of the animal that can't even be digested or absorbed by the average dog (hair, beaks, etc.).

Omega fatty acids are a hot topic in human nutrition these days, and have been found to be just as important in the canine diet. Both should be present, and in the right ratio. Most premium dog food companies have done the research on this and adjusted the ratios, but as usual, ask your vet if your uncertain.

===========Wet vs. Dry============

You can buy premium dog food in just about any form, but which one is best? Again, most experts seem to agree. Dry food is less likely to allow plaque to accumulate on the teeth, less likely to harbor bacteria if left out too long, and results in firmer, more compact stools. Semi-moist foods are convenient but for some reason (I'm not sure what) don't offer the same nutritional benefits as premium kibble or canned foods.

That said, I have also heard arguments suggesting that a diet of exclusively dry food can be a strain on a dog's kidneys. So, to be on the safe side, check with your vet.

===========Life Stages============

Puppies need more calories and essential nutrients than adult dogs. They need up to twice as many calories per ounce of body weight and should get 25% to 30% of their energy from protein depending on the breed.

Most premium dog food brands take this into account in their puppy formulas, but it doesn't hurt to check the label. By six to eight weeks of age a puppy should be fully weaned and eating his dry food consistently. After that, different breeds reach their mature weight at different rates, by anywhere from 9 months to 24 months old. So it's hard to give an age or weight by which you should take your pet off puppy food. Again, your vet can help out here.

Also, remember not to try to "rush" the growing process by overfeeding. If she grows too fast, a dog can develop bone growth diseases. A puppy should get three to four meals a day because he's growing fast but still has a small tummy, but don't overdo it with portions size.

Adult dogs need to eat according to their size and energy requirements and should be fed two meals a day. This is frequently referred to by the premium dog food companies as a "maintenance diet".

Unlike cats, dogs are not strictly meat eaters. In fact, a dog is more like an omnivore and will eat just about anything, whether it's good for him or not! A certain amount of vegetable matter is part of a dog's natural diet. Dogs love vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, zucchini, peas, and beans, and fruits such as bananas, apples, and melon. These make great low-calorie treats, too!

One thing you should never feed your dog is chocolate--it contains a chemical called theobromine which is toxic to dogs.

Senior dogs need a premium dog food that will help head off and manage the effects of aging. Since different breeds vary so much, it's hard to give an age by which you should switch to a senior diet. The ASPCA recommends using weight as a guideline, and offers the following:

Small breeds or dogs weighing less than 20 pounds:7 years of age

Medium breeds or dogs weighing 21 to 50 pounds:7 years of age

Large breeds or dogs weighing 51 to 90 pounds:6 years of age

Giant breeds or dogs weighing 91 pounds or more:5 years of age

The ASPCA recommends that you begin dealing with the symptoms of old age before they're obvious. Just like us, dogs will begin to accumulate more body fat as they age even as they consume fewer calories. (At least we're not alone!). Muscle mass will tend to decrease, but this doesn't mean you should lower your older dog's protein intake. If anything, protein is more important than ever to help maintain muscle mass, so avoid senior dog food formulas with reduced protein.

One thing you will want to feed him less of is calories. Obesity is a real problem with adult dogs, and many owners don't even realize their dog is overweight. Aside from portion size and calorie content, one way to avoid an overweight dog is to resist giving him table scraps. Most human food isn't good for your dog.

===========How Much to Feed============

How's your dog's weight? You should be able to feel your dog's backbone and ribs with light finger pressure, but not actually see them. If you have to "dig" to find them, your dog is overweight and if you can actually see her ribs, she's underweight.

If you're not sure how much to feed, you'll love the interactive Dog Food Calculator on PetsMart's home page! It's the result of considerable research that has been published in scientific journals and accepted by industry experts. You can determine the right amount of food to feed your dog and find out how long that 40-lb bag will last!


If you're all ready feeding a nutritionally complete premium dog food, do you still need supplements? This is another hotly debated topic. As a rule, it seems that most dogs do just fine without supplements. For certain dogs and certain conditions supplements can make a differenced. For example, a dog who isn't thriving and there's no other medical explanation for it might improve with supplements. Or, dogs with certain skin conditions have been known to improve on supplements. Since there's a danger of doing more harm than good, you should definitely discuss supplements with your vet.

If you do decide to use one, pick one that's made from natural sources and is designed as a multivitamin formulated specifically for dogs. That way she'll get everything in the right amounts and ratios. Add it to the diet twice weekly so you won't overwhelm or suppress your dog's own internal regulating mechanisms.

=======Special Diets==========

There are many reasons why a dog might be put on a special diet. Some dogs are very sensitive to certain ingredients in commercial dog foods. Even if you're feeding her the best of premium dog food, if your dog isn't thriving, it's possible her diet is a problem for her. Owners have resorted to alternative diets -- holistic, raw foods, even kosher -- to optimize their pet's health. Some choose these diets simply because they believe they're better, not because their dog is having any issues.

We'll discuss special diets in a future article. For now, I hope you've gained some useful insights about the benefits of premium dog food over and above economy brands.

? 2004, Carolyn Schweitzer. Lifelong dog-lover, power-shopper, and family dentist Carolyn Schweitzer is owner and editor of where she offers information on a wide range of topics near and dear to a dog owner's heart.

Visit the site to learn about human foods that are hazardous to your dogs health

You can reach Carolyn by email at

What Supplies you can for the necessary Dog?

The time has come. You must have been stopped on the way home for a pet Shop daily dote cute Puppies in the work of the window. You can restore typically Homepage koiranpentu scampering cute down you helpful ideas. Well today you've decided to buy your own. koiranpentu. Before you can import koiranpentu at home on your own, you must be prepared. You must obtain a different dog supplies in order to give, to welcome Home-a new dog.

What kind of dog supplies do you need? Dog supplies market Is bounty today. Dog supplies cute dog costumes of the basic regulation, the necessities such as food, dog.Dog supplies has become such a hot market today, there are a number of companies have come to meet the needs of all that the dog pet supply deliveries. this competition on the market is useful, because often times you can find great prices on dog supplies, do a little bit of market research.

First, watch dog of the basic regulation, shall be presumed to be engaged in supplies that you want to have your pooch on arrival at the home page. The supply of the basic regulation, the dog: a dog food, dog bowls, renkaattomien, leash, kennel/Crate and dog bed.Dog food is number one in the list, because the feed dogs should not be, or your own dinner table scraps. you can place their food bowls on a regular basis, but it is cute dog Bowl search for fun. You can find the dog bowls, which have even their name.

Dogs have specific nutritional needs must be met in order for them to grow vigorously and healthy life.Proper dog supplies are dog food that is targeted to their age, weight and size and activity level. [1] [2] it is essential to retain the user's dog, the proper size and weight of the breed. Table scraps and human can lead to too much weight, which is at the expense of public health of the user's dog. Not to mention, they might have some problematic waste as well as human.

When searching for the user to supply a list of dog food, dog, it is crucial that you find the right dog food. Check your veterinarian, if the breeder so requests, or recommendations of the owner of the dog Buy food properly. Dogs also have become used to identify a particular brand or type of dog food and if you change all of a sudden it may suffer from upset stomach. Because they long dog food is a brilliant idea to spend time to find your own pooch dog foods to proper.

Dog-reflective and dog leash dog supplies should be the next in the list. Many States require you to register with the status of your pet. Also have to show that the user has a dog, it has been necessary vaccines, such as rabies shots, and they must be used to tag their collar for this.Also create a dog tag, which is the name of the user's dog, on the other hand, the name and telephone number, if the user's dog never lost.

In most urban areas requires that the user is a member of the dog is through the laws of the various leash leash. By holding down the user's dog leash is a smart idea, especially when the animal out of the parks or walk the road.You do not want to bother other people or passing oncoming car in front of own pooch. These scary situations can be avoided by using a leash to control the movement of the user's dog leashes. are also training tool, which allows you to teach the user's dog, for the proper functioning of their daily walk.

Dog supplies have improved, in particular, the different types of pet medication for years.Does the user continuously pulls away from the dog, cause their Cough leash?If so, you can buy in the least, that does not connect to their collar, but is instead a harness, which wraps the entire body.Hence, their feet on the packing slip. this type of leash can have a lot of Nice user's dog, so consider it will be reviewed in the dog deliveries.

If you leave the user the dog outside, whether you are home or not, you will have to that user's dog is a secure area.Because of this, you can keep them on the leash, which is connected to the cable in such a way as to ensure they have the runners, a large area to run.Or you can provide them with a view to achieving the Specific issues in the region, these fenced. when searching for this type of thing to a dog leash on deliveries should bear, in addition to the chest harness leash, because you do not want to continuously after passersbys and harm their throat dog.If the fence, make sure that you have the user's Nordic ability to dog. you do not want to own a dog, Nordic fence, on top of you as if you were turning your head to the second.

Next, the user's dog supplies list should be a dog kennel/crate or dog bed. User needs to know where the dog, which they can call their own home. Dog kennel/crate will help the dog to feel safe, especially when you're away. refrain from using Dog kennel as the discipline to retreat. [1] [2] in which you want them to look forward to your own space in your home.

These are the basic dog supplies, you must obtain prior to pick up the new pooch. later, you can use to find fun hours toys, dog chews and dog costumes for dogs, with the new best friend.

Go to the Dog shall submit to the site and research the dog breeds & get a free dog training tips, dog, dog products, books, and how to find the dog sitters & dog walkers.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Find a Certified Dog Trainer (1)

Are you a dog trainer market? Do you want to learn from top notch certified dog trainer user's dog? Be able to see the user's dog professional dog competitions, dreams, and displays. For this reason, it must be the user's dog trained certified dog trainer according to ensure the best results.

Why certified dog trainer bring a dog trainer, instead of the basic regulation, it should hire? Certified dog trainer is one that takes dog training seriously enough to become a certified career development.You can feel comfortable met high dog training standards and certification examinations and tests that you don t want. fly-by-night dog trainer, but a certified dog trainer, which is its long distance.

How to make it easier to find a certified dog trainer? Whereas, in view of the numerous dog trainers Is available on the market today.The age of the Dog trainers, skill level, experience in the region and the neighbor might tell. Oman, that they are a dog trainer, because they related to the topic in a few books to read and taught their dog to get the newspaper. This is not enough dog training experience.

An array of resources should be consulted.Try asking the user a dog breeder, groomer, and veterinarian. them directly to the local dog training schools, which are authorised to dog trainers, their faculty. Pet supply stores is dog training programs to train and certify their dog trainers. An example of PETCO pet supply stores are.

However, the investigation, what they mean, according to the certification. PETCO Is only issued by the standards or universal service certificate? Determine the requirements are in accordance with the certified dog trainers.Until then, you can determine if their dog trainers provide the skill level and you desire to experience.

You need to find the dog trainer who has been a comprehensive training and proudly can demonstrate that they are certified dog trainer. Be aware, however, that there are many certified dog training in schools and at home correspondence courses; available.All of these schools are credible and do not provide appropriate instruction. you need to find a dog trainer, which, for the purpose of the Certification Council for pet Dog Trainers Certification as defined by the.

Pet Dog Trainers Certification Council must also comply with the Organization, which provides testing and certification of dog trainers. They manage the special dog training tests in different States of the country environment, approximately twice a year. Close out the professional dog tests shall be carried out on the root of the average dog trainer from the trainer. Check out their website at the following address:

Pet Dog Trainers Certification Council is also a certified dog trainers ' list. You can search to find a certified dog trainer in your area from the list. This certified statement shall be dog trainers certified dog trainers lisäämisensä comprises all over the world.List of Certified dog trainer to give their contact information, such as your name, city, telephone number, and e-mail address. Another great feature is that they list dog trainer became certified to date. [1] [2] This allows the, you know how many years they have been dog training-business. In the supplementary list: [].

Certificate * of * pet * animals * trainers do not need to pass the certification exam and testing, they also continue their training, workshops, conferences and other.When selecting the certified dog trainer, ask them the extent of their continuing education.Certified dog trainer you want, which will continue to hone their craft. [3] [4] They should actively learning different dog training methods information.This indicates that they are committed to the best dog training.

Certified dog trainer should be at least three to five years dog training experience. [1] [2] this is especially true if they charge higher fees.You can drop in a newly certified dog trainer with, if cost is a problem.Recently certified dog trainers may charge lower amounts to draw up a list of customers and patenting experience.Master certificate in dog trainers are those which are 20-30 years of experience.They may have a special skill, and depth of experience in the background, but may receive a higher price.

Is the beginning of the data to find a certified dog trainer. spend time searching through the dog breeder resources, the veterinarian and pet supply store for more information about the address book container. Scour, library and the Internet. [1] [2] you can search for a certified dog trainer in your area.

You can go to unlicensed doctor wouldn t? so why would you go to a trainer, that is certified, certified dog trainers are? there and ready to help you and the user's pooch for more information about the valuable skills that they have committed themselves to the user. [4] [5] the dog, career development and learning all they can about becoming a top notch dog trainer. who knows, certified dog trainer can help you win the Westminster dog Show user's dog, the dog is not only to the user. [4] [5] the trainee may well and achieved glory, but the expense would be very its values.

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Successful Dog Bathing psychology

"Can I wash my own dog? It can't be that hard can it?" These are the words that I hear everyday as I go about my business working at the Pooch Parlor in Northern Idaho. Each time I walk a customer through this process, I find myself wondering why in the world something so simple is so doggone hard to explain. Washing your own dog may seem simple, but - only if you think and speak 'dog' - the language of your own dog.

I run a shop for full service and self-service dog grooming and bathing, and I LOVE it! There are dogs, and owners, of every size, every breed, and every temperament that come in to use the self-service doggie wash. Most owners are excited, some are scared, and some are cocky, but no matter who they are, or what they do for a living, there is nothing quite as intimidating for them as washing their own dog in public! The thought of doing this can give even the most confident person, performance anxiety, and for good reason! It is a true test of trust and tolerance and friendship for the person and dog companion. And, on a very basic level, it is an honest mirror for the owner, and how he or she deals with life, and with conflict. The likelihood of a successful experience for both is completely dependent upon the psychological relationship that exists between them, and, to a large extent, the ability of both to comprehend the body language of the other. You may be surprised to know that I have found that dogs are supremely better at reading their humans than their humans are of reading them. It is this relationship between human and canine, that shows itself without modesty during bathtime, and, keeps me coming to work day after day with a smile on my face.

My clients have been giving their dogs baths in my shops for 10+ years now, and, each year is more entertaining than the last when it comes to watching regular people washing their own regular dogs. The average person that comes through our doors is highly successful, which usually means - intelligent - and, because like attracts like, so is their dog. And, so why oh why, they ask me, should this simple task of cleaning their dog be so difficult? I ask them time and again, "Well, how well do you speak dog?" Invariably, their reply is a blank stare. So, this is the time to ask yourself, "How well do YOU speak dog?"

There is a lot to say about the theories of why dogs and humans behave the way they do, but I'm going to get back to the practical things to look for while bathing your own dog. The bottom line to remember is that your dog's energy and personality traits are a mirror to your own. Take this into consideration when attempting to get him into the tub and have him be happy about it.

1. Deciding when to bathe your dog. Timing and Personality traits: Timing is important. Look at your own needs regarding timing to know how your dog will react. Are you the kind of person that is up for anything anytime? Or do you need to accomplish your day in a scheduled, systematic way? How do you do with new experiences? Do you find them refreshing and fun, or do you feel fearful until comfortable with a new activity? Your dog is going to deal with the bathtime experience in the same way you deal with life experiences. Remember that your dog is going to reflect your own personality traits - not necessarily the traits you show the world, but the traits that are truly inside you.

a. Fun-loving, extroverted, and social humans. If you enjoy regular physical activity, then so will your dog. For this type of person and dog, I suggest you take your dog out for a bout of exercise before the bath. In the city where I work, we are fortunate to have a designated beach on the lake just for dogs and their humans - dogbeach. There is a long path to run or walk on, and there is a large beach area to swim and play in. This is the perfect scenario for pre-bath timing. The dog can choose to get muddy, run, socialize, or just enjoy being outside. In any case, the dog is able to spend big reserves of energy outside in a fun way, just like letting human children play before naptime. If you love exercise, do something like this with your dog before taking him into your own tub or a professional facility for a dog bath. A common fault of the social dog and owner: Just because you are friendly, out-going person does not mean everyone wants to accept your friendly, and out-going gestures. It's hard to fathom, I know, but it is true. If you have a very social dog (if you are a social person), it is easy to forget that many dogs (like their owners) are not social and do not appreciate the social requirements (like butt-sniffing) of others. Please remember to respect their space when in public or otherwise. Keep your dog restrained and under control, even if your dog has the friendliest intentions.

b. Non-social, active, or inactive humans. If your personality is not conducive to social interaction, then I still suggest that you walk your dog or do something that is comfortable within your life that involves light exercise before bathing your dog. Taking a walk with your dog does wonders to alleviate excess tension or stress for both human and dog. By getting rid of stressful energies during a walk, it does not present itself during bathtime. Getting exercise is especially important for those humans,( I mean dogs), that are highly nervous. I recommend giving your dog Valerian root (liquid form) or Rescue Remedy (liquid or spray) orally 30 minutes before the bath. Both of these products are natural remedies to calming down jittery nerves- and it works great for humans too. If timing is important in your life, take your dog to a self-service bathing facility when the least amount of people are there, usually early or late in the day. A common fault of the non-social dog and owner: they communicate poorly within their own species and with other species. Many people that tend towards isolation, often do this because they never figured out how to communicate effectively in human society. Their dogs typically have the same problem. I have seen it happen many times that owners of aggressive dogs unwittingly encourage their dog's unwanted behavior, when they think they are doing the opposite. They do this by projecting their worrying thoughts about the 'what-ifs' of a social situation. Dogs of this type of owner act out their dog interpretations of their human owners signals. The dogs often pick up the 'what-if' fears of the human as the request of their human, actually creating the 'what-if' behavior to occur. Without human intervention and boundary setting by the owner (requiring advanced communication skills), it is quite common for this type of dog to exhibit increasingly aggressive behavior. Most owners are dismayed by their dog's aggressive behavior, but they simply lack the skills required to communicate what behavior they will and won't allow from their dog. I recommend that if you have a dog that is displaying increasingly aggressive behaviors to consult a professional dog behaviorist or trainer. Just a few simple tricks will convey an accurate message to a dog that is most likely misunderstanding your expectations.

Language barriers for humans and dogs. Its no surprise that miscommunication between owner and dog happens often. If you are a human that is finding you don't understand why your dog does what he does, remember, you are learning a whole different language and culture. Give yourself time and give your dog time to understand each other. Just don't expect your dog to act like a human, especially during conflict. It takes time and practice for anyone to learn a new human language. It's no different learning dog language. We all know how to interpret a human smile in society. When a dog pulls his lips back over his teeth, it typically doesn't mean he's happy! Would a human dream of greeting a new acquaintance by sniffing their butt? Right! But, in doggie language, that's the equivalent of shaking hands. A dog that shakes his head to get the slobber off of his mouth is no different than a person smoothing his slacks or dusting off his shirt to look more polite. The differences are huge, so give yourself and your dog a break if you have hit a communication block wall.

2. Deciding where to bathe your dog: There are not a lot of choices when it comes to bathing your dog. A. You can use your own bathtub at home which requires no human socializing - hard on your back, it's very messy with extended after cleaning, and potentially traumatizing to human and dog. B. Bring your dog to a self-service doggie wash shop - easier on your back, requires some basic social skills by owner and dog, can be noisy and hairy, requires no after cleaning, and it does cost more than just the shampoo. C. Tie the dog to a fence and wash him with a hose in the yard (hopefully on a hot, sunny day) - not easy on the back, hard on the dog with cold water, potentially traumatizing for nervous dogs, but does not require human or dog socialiaing. D. Wash the dog in your nearest lake -which is very popular in my neck of the woods - hard on the back, requires advanced human and dog social skills, is potentially harmful to the environment, and how clean can you really get a dog in lakewater?

Regardless of where you wash your dog, take into account your own physical limitations, and your dog's physical limitations. Is it worth wrecking your bathroom and hurting your back to wash your dog at home? For the clients I see, the answer is a definite, no! Emotional requirements are often a factor for dogs. For instance, (in general) Labrador retrievers have no issue being bathed in a lake (even though they don't get clean), but they often resent being restrained in a tub with a sprayer hose pointed in their direction. For a farm dog that has never been away from home, tying them to the fence is a better solution than trucking them to the city and asking them to have manners in a grooming shop, or in a populated lake. At least next to the fence, even with cold water, they are comfortable with where they are and what is expected of them.

My vote is, of course to find a self-service doggie wash facility. The equipment is professional and easy to use, the water is warm (most of the time) and typically the dogs get treats when they walk out the door, which makes them happy campers. So, for those that want to know about washing your dog at a laundradog facility, here you go:

2. Getting your dog in the tub and getting him to stay there! At this grooming shop, the average dog that comes in for self-service is around 100lbs. All the dogs are washed at waist level where they stand on a grate in the tub. Getting them in the tub can be a trick. It's kind of like asking a human to put ice skates on, and stand on the ice and not worry about how to do it. The easiest way for dog and human is to not give the dog time to decide whether or not he wants to. (Not the easiest task for shy or overprotective owners). The owner is given a large choker chain or cloth noose which goes around the dogs neck.

Leading: We have the owner quickly lead/pull the dog up the stairs with another person on the other end of the dog to give a quick boost on the butt end. The dog is on the grate, and in the tub before he has decided to be worried about it. Once the dog is in the tub, the owner hooks them in (not something you can do in your tub at home) to a variety of metal hooks inside the tub.

Choking: The dogs that are new to having a bath will sometimes turn in the tub and pull on the choker chain. We prefer the choker chain to a regular noose because the dog quickly learns with a choker that he is in control of whether or not he feels the choking sensation. The second the dog realizes he controls his own choking, AND realizes his owner is going to allow him to learn this (this is very difficult for the overprotective and/or mother types of owners-most all of us!), the pulling behavior stops. With a regular cloth noose, or one that does not self-regulate, the dogs will pull and pull and often never learn that they have the control over their own pulling more than any other behavior during the bath. Owners feel like they are directly causing their dog injury and should rescue them immediately when they hear them coughing and sometimes gagging. It is natural to feel concern over your dog choking, but it helps to think of the dog's pulling and coughing similar to putting a toddler into his crib for a midday nap.

Many human toddlers HATE taking a nap and will cry hard enough to cough and gag. If parents rescue them from their cribs when this happens, they are reinforcing this coughing behavior for their child. Parents that monitor the crying, and coughing from a safe distance where the toddler cannot see them, soon find that their babies submit quietly to naptime without expecting to be rescued each time he utters a sound. Naps and baths may not be pleasant to begin with, but they are both essential habits of life. Dogs have the same learning behaviors regarding rescue. Owners that react with excessive concern over the pulling (as the dog is expecting), or crying and screaming tantrums, find they are only encouraging more pulling and tantrums from their dog. This point is so crucial that it is worth repeating. The more upset and worried the owner gets over the dogs behavior, the more they get of that dog behavior. If the owner is calm and without fear - and projects this to their dog, it is not long before the dog understands that pulling on the chain is only hurting himself, and that tantrums are a waste of their energy. When the owner believes everything is fine despite pulling and tantrums, the dog does too, and he stops the undesirable behavior accepts that today is bath day!

So many nurturing owners find this part difficult, but try to remember, when you expect your dog to learn how to control his own anxiety, he will learn, but it requires that you LET him learn. The best ways to learn to control ones own anxiety is to actually go through the experience of having the anxiety and dealing with it. If you are the type of owner that cannot allow your dog to experience this emotion without taking over and stopping the experience, your dog will learn to go into an anxious state more and more easily because of the reaction that he can expect from his owner. This becomes upsetting for both dog and owner and as you can see becomes an escalating cycle. If you allow your dog to go through this experience of the bath, anxiety and all, you will see that they will calm down and before you know it, you have a dog that allows you to bathe him! And having clean dog is essential to most dog owners. When your dog does calm down, i.e. quits pulling on the noose and allows the bath experience, that is the right time to express heightened emotion of happiness through praise and treats. If you take this time to praise your dog, it won't be long before your dog asks to be washed with a happy, wanting-to-please attidude.

However, as with any rule, there are a few exceptions: old, very young, asthmatic, and dogs with neck or throat problems should be closely watched if they exhibit excessive pulling on the choker chain.

Ignore or not to Ignore: Most of the time, I recommend to owners to simply and quietly ignore their dogs protesting to get the behavior to stop (and it does), with the only exception being a small puppy (like a yorkie) or an old and fragile dog. Both the young and the old dogs that are not used to baths can injure their tracheas or create a medical problem (like asthma) if their nervous behaviors are allowed to escalate. It is in this circumstance that I tell the owners to use a harness to hook the dogs in the tub or in the case of a small and wild puppy, to use a sink or bucket in which they can immerse the dog in warm, soapy water. Puppies are wired to swim and that's what they do if they find their bodies in water. Swimming is easier to work with than a freaking out jumping bean. If you do choose to ignore your dog's protesting to the bath, REMEMBER to give lots of praise when the dog show's signs of acceptance and/or begins to calm down.

Drying Your Dog: Drying a dog depends on the type of hair, type of temperament and grooming experience the dog has. If you have a shorthaired dog, towel drying is generally adequate. In the grooming shop, we use high-power dryers that blow the water out of thick or double-coated dogs like shepards, collies, and huskies - and in this case - standard poodles.

Put cotton in the dog's ears before you begin as the dryer is loud. Make sure there is a minimum of play in the noose or chain that connects the dog to the tub, as the more room the dog has to throw a tantrum, the more room he'll use. Start the dryer on the back end of the dog and aim the dryer side to side moving towards the head until the water is not dripping off the dog any longer. Most private owners go home with their dogs still dripping because of the tantrum factor. This is where the above information comes into play. The majority of dogs are nervous at first, but they quickly learn that the air is only loud, not painful. If the owner stays calm, the dog will quickly find this state during the drying process.

There are a few more minor steps that do occur in the grooming shop, such as brushing, nail trimming, anal expression, ear plucking and cleaning, teeth brushing and scaling and more. You can check out more 'how to' information on these specific techniques at Regardless of who you are or what you do for a living, the chances of your dog having a pleasant experience during the bath is highly dependent upon the ability of the dog's owner to understand his or her own needs regarding life and society. Consider all the factors, energy reserves of your dog - spend them before the space wherever you go will increase your odds for success. Consider how much you actually do know about dog language. Above all else, remember that you, the owner, are in charge, and that if your dog is temporarily distressed with a new situation, you have to stay calm long enough to allow your dog to understand and accept the experience. It's a curious notion that a human would have to delve into the basics of his or her own psychological needs to give their dog a great bath experience, but if you do that, you and your canine friend will have many years of happy and successful bathing experiences.

Author DuAnn Lustig-Chambers has been grooming since 1997 and owns Pooch Parlor Pet Groomer Training Academy in Sandpoint, Idaho.

Author: DuAnn Lustig-Chambers
Owner/Instructor/Dog Behaviorist Pooch Parlor Groomer Training Academy
210 Triangle Dr. Ste. D
Ponderay, ID 83852

Friday, December 10, 2010

Dog/child interaction: How the development of a safe connection

Dog-child interaction is the single most important issue to deal with if you have a child and a dog. Children love dogs but dogs don't always love children. When you bring home a new puppy, your child should be trained together with your dog. Dog owners need to remember that it takes two to tango. Children aren't often taught how to treat a new doggy which can make his life a living hell. This is not only torment for your dog but can be dangerous to your child. Never trust your child alone with ANY dog, regardless of how gentle that dog is known to be. A child tends to know just which buttons to press to turn the gentlest animal into a dangerous beast. Most dogs initially feel threatened by a child because they are at eye level, they have high-pitched voices and make vigorous movements. The dog senses that the child is somewhat unpredictable. Dog-child interaction should be monitored in order to make sure that child and your dog are getting along.

What you should teach your child
Do not let your child hug the dog until the dog-child relationship has developed and they've become comfortable with each other. Children are accustomed to showing their affection with a hug, but some dogs will tolerate it while others will not. Never approach a strange dog without asking the owner if it is o.k. to do so. Allow the dog to sniff you before you try to pat him. Stay away from stray dogs. A stray dog may carry disease or try to attack. Never scream or run away from a dog. This will only start a chase. Never run towards a dog or around a dog. Never approach a dog face to face. This is threatening to them. Always approach a dog from the side. This will allow the dog-child relationship to develop. Never look a dog square in the eyes. Never tease or hit a dog whether he's loose, tied up, behind a fence or in a crate. Never play rough games with a dog, such as tug-of-war. This will encourage a dog to become aggressive. Never pat a dog on the head. Always approach him under the chin or on his back. Never bother a sleeping dog. Never bother the dog while he's eating or chewing his favorite bone. A dog is not a toy. Never yank on his ears or pull his tail. If a dog poses a threat, teach your child to stay perfectly still with arms at the side, avoid eye contact, don't scream. If there is no one around who can pull the dog away, have your child use a jacket, schoolbag, garbage can cover, or anything he can find as a shield while backing away from the dog slowly. If a dog has knocked your child to the ground, he should curl up into a ball with his hands behind his head to protect his face. Never give the dog table food. Always play with your dog under adult supervision. Always be kind to your dog. This will help develop a dog-child friendship. Always protect your dog from harm.
What you should know as a dog owner
Begin obedience training your dog as soon as possible. Don't wait til he gets older, it'll only get harder. Never leave your child alone with the dog. Never let your child walk the dog alone. Never tie up your dog. Provide your dog with a fenced-in space instead. Socialize your dog. Get him acquainted with other dogs as early as possible. You should also get him familiar with everything in his environment, both indoors and outdoors. This is key in attempting to establish a great dog-child relationship. Reward your dog for good behavior with praise and a treat. If you leave your dog in the yard, make sure your fence does not have spaces large enough for a child to stick their hands through. Never allow your child to abuse the dog in any way. This will never enable a dog-child relationship to flourish. Give your dog a space to call his own to which he can retreat to if he is feeling bothered (such as a crate). Do not allow your child to invade your dog's space especially while your dog is eating. Get your dog used to being touched on all body parts. This will make him more comfortable around children. Teach your dog to maintain a good temperment in the case of having his food bowl taken away while he's eating or removing a chew toy from his mouth. This will allow your dog to be more comfortable having a child around when he's eating or chewing on his favorite toy. Teach your child how to properly handle the dog/puppy. Walk your dog on a leash. Do not allow him to roam free. Keep in mind that just because your dog is wonderful around your own children doesn't mean he will tolerate other children the same way. Spay/neuter your dog.
If you have a dog and are expecting a baby

First off, if you haven't read the information above this subhead, go up and do so now. The above information will provide you with all the do's and dont's in preparing your dog for an addition to the family. If your dog has never been around a child for a long period of time, you will have the next nine months to get him used to it. Dog-child interaction is crucial at this stage.

Invite a niece, nephew, cousin, neighbor, etc. over for a few hours a week (Preferably a child who still wears a diaper. This will get the dog used to baby smell as well).

This idea satisfies two objectives: it will get your dog used to having a child around; and will develop your dog's behavior in such a way which allows him to have a dog-child relationship with almost any child. Teach your dog how to behave around a child using much of the information discussed above.

Do not wait until the baby is born in order to make adjustments. Try to make as many adjustments as you can before the baby arrives, this way he won't be hit with all these changes at once. For instance, if you will have to move furniture around to accommodate a high chair or a playpen, this may affect the placement of your dog's bed and bowl. If so, make this move before the baby arrives. This will lessen the impact it will have on your dog and is less likely to affect the dog-child relationship.

Once you have the nursery set up for the baby, teach your dog that he will not be allowed in the room, at all. If he learns this before the baby comes, it will lessen the dog's resentment towards the baby.

Get your dog used to the sounds a baby makes by playing a recording of a baby cooing and crying. Play this recording in the nursery in order to indicate to your dog where exactly he can expect these sounds to be coming from.

Make accommodations for your dog for the day you go into labor. He may have to spend hours alone before daddy's comes home from the hospital.

When it's time to bring the baby home, have someone go into another room with the dog while you put the baby down and get settled. Then bring the baby out and introduce the dog to the baby. The dog will probably give the baby a sniff or two and seek your attention. After all, he hasn't seen you in days. At this point, it would be a good idea to put the baby down and spend some time playing with the dog. Show him he's still loved. This will aid in the development of the dog-child relationship.

Your dog may require some extra attention in the first days of welcoming the baby. This will keep him from resenting the baby for stealing all the attention. Give him your undivided attention.

Allow your dog to be present when changing or feeding the baby.

Never yell at your dog for getting too close to the baby. Allow him to sniff the baby in order to get used to his scent. Make sure this is done under strict supervision. This will help nourish the dog-child relationship.

As the baby gets older, you will teach him to respect the dog and be gentle towards him.

Get your child to help you with dog chores, such as feeding and walking the dog.

Before your know it, a natural dog-child bond will form which will give them a long-lasting friendship for years to come.

Help your child and your dog live in perfect harmony by adhering to these simple rules. Once a good dog-child relationship has been established, this bond will last a lifetime.

If you have trouble controlling your dog, you should bring your dog (and your child) to an obedience class to help you get started.

Nancy Settecasi, Owner of Happy K-9 Dog Care Proud owner of Cookie and Skippy, Cocker Spaniels, Dog lover

Dog training-8 Ways to cut down on the activities of the problems

You've performed three of the most important tasks for a dog owner: decided if you were right for a dog, determined what dog was the best for you and taught your best friend some manners. That should be about it, right? Wrong!

You have an ongoing relationship with your pet, just like you do your children or your spouse. It's important to maintain the relationship if you want it to be fruitful. If you don't, all of that training you've done so far will be for naught.

Sometimes, though, like all relationships, the one with your dog can be rocky. Even well-trained owners have dogs with behavior problems when things change. Dog have been known to act out when their owners being working more hours, go back to school, have a baby or get married. Dogs aren't themselves when they are ill or in pain. Some dogs are just never quite right because of problems inherited from poor breeding.

Here are nine things you can do to make sure your well-behaved dog stays that way.

1. Don't forget that you are leader of the pack. Remind yourself that your dog is genetically programmed to be part of a group and to obey the leader of his pack. If you don't provide him consistent strong, yet fair, leadership, he will try to become the leader. If he becomes the leader by default, behavior problems will increase exponentially. Here are some tips to make sure he remembers you are his leader:

- Don't let him pull on his leash.

- Don't put the leash on your dog until he sits quietly.

- Don't let him get away with bad behavior.

- Always eat before he does.

- Don't chase or play rough games like tug-of-war with your dog.

- Don't allow him to bite anyone.

- Always go through doorways before him.

- Try to always be calm, fair and confident when dealing with your dog.

- Don't give him anything - attention, food, play - without him doing something for you first, like sitting on command.

- Don't allow your dog on furniture without your permission.

- Protect your dog from other animals or people who try to harm him.

When you are a strong leader, your dog will respect you. With this respect comes an innate desire to please. He will love you and want to obey your every command!

2. Train with your dog every day. Just like with humans, any behavior you train your dog to do will be forgotten if he doesn't practice it. Work with your dog at least 15 minutes a day on an aspect of his behavior. This is important, also, to remind your canine that you are the leader of his pack. Try to teach your dog something new every month or two. This will keep him challenged and give you both a sense of accomplishment. Most dogs were bred to do some kind of work, and if you don't give your dog purpose, he'll become bored and develop behavioral problems.

3. Make sure to give your dog treats and praise. Continue the technique you've used to train your dog. People tend to get complacent, and before you know it, Spot is hogging your bed and dragging you down the street by the leash. To make things worse, he won't listen to your commands any more. To prevent this, make your dog perform an act of obedience to earn praise, petting or a treat.

4. Never strike or yell at your dog. Hitting or kicking your dog will have about the same effect that it would on a spouse or a child - it ruins the relationship and breaks down all the trust your pet had for you. Some owners use physical abuse to train their dogs to fight for money. Others believe, erroneously, that abuse will make them become better watch or attack dogs. Statistics show that thousands of dogs are killed or injured by people every year. No matter how frustrated you get with him, never, ever strike your pet.

Dogs don't respond well to yelling. All it does is get your dog more stressed, which will more than likely make his behavior problems worse. Everyone loses their patience from time to time, but remember that your dog only responds to fair leadership.

5. Get your dog proper medical care. Your dog needs a checkup at the veterinarian annually to make sure he's in top form physically and to receive yearly shots to prevent rabies and other diseases. It's important to go to the same vet every year so he or she can monitor your pet and notice any evidence of problems. All dogs need a teeth cleaning from time to time, too, to keep them healthy. If your dog is injured or sick, he needs to get proper medical attention. Your veterinarian can also give you advice on behavior as well as diet, breeding, training, and puppy selection

6. Attend obedience training. As an absolute necessity for getting a good to a positive relationship with your dog, be sure to take him to a six-to-eight-week-long obedience class, before his first birthday if he's a puppy, as soon as possible if he's an adult dog. A good trainer will teach you the basics and what a good dog/owner relationship is.

If you have an adult dog, don't worry. That old saying, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" is not true! A dog of any age can learn good behavior. Both you and your dog will benefit. He will learn some good behavior and to respect you, the leader of the pack. You'll learn the subtleties of your dog's behavior and how to act in a fair, yet dominant, manner. Obedience training is great way to teach an "only dog" how to properly socialize with other dogs and people. Whether you are alone with your dogs or in a group of people and animals, your dog will learn how to behave.

Here are some tips to help you determine what obedience class is the right one for you and your pet:

- Ask your friends, family members, vet or groomer for


- Be sure the trainer uses positive reinforcement and no methods that hurt or frighten the dogs.

- Choose a trainer that focuses primarily on group classes. Although it may seem like one-on-one training might be best, group classes give both you and your dog to observe other people and their pets. Your dog will also focus on your commands, not just those of the trainer. Some owners do both individual and group classes.

- Make sure there are separate classes for puppies and adult dogs. Dogs between eight and 16 weeks should be in puppy classes. You may also feel more comfortable with a trainer who offers beginning, intermediate and advanced obedience classes.

- Ask the trainer you are considering if you can watch a class. While you watch, note some of these details: Notice if the class is small enough that everyone can get some individualized attention. Watch to see if both and dogs and owners are having fun. See if the trainer provides lesson handouts. In a good class, you'll hear plenty of praise and commands in upbeat, yet firm, tones. Does the trainer give the owners other information about health, grooming or specific breeds? You want to make sure your trainer is knowledgeable about the whole dog, not just obedience training techniques.

- Ask your trainer if he or she knows several different techniques to work with dogs. This can come in handy if your dog doesn't always respond to the tried-and-true methods.

- Make certain that the trainer requires that dogs be vaccinated and certified healthy by their vet before enrolling in classes.

- Be sure to get a list of equipment you'll need to bring with you to your first class.

Once you find the right trainer and obedience class, make sure both you and your dog are prepared. Be sure to bring all the required equipment. Don't feed your dog before class - since treats are part of the reinforcement of good behavior, you want him to be willing to eat the treats, which he might not want if he has a full belly. Don't forget to do your homework! Practice between classes is essential to reinforce your dog's behavior.

7. Lean all you can about your dog, his breed, and canine care. You can never know too much when it comes to your dog. Learn all you can from books, television and magazines. Be sure just to take the time to browse at the pet supply store or your favorite online pet supplies merchant to see what kind of new products are on the market. A new toy from time to time is a new adventure for both you and your pet.

8. Keep your dog's home safe and stimulating. Giving your dog a fun, secure place to live will help to prevent bad behavior and may even prolong his life. Always have a number of fun toys available, including balls, chews and squeaky toys. Be sure to play with your dog daily to give him the necessary exercise he needs, to help you bond with your pet and to just have fun!

If no one is home during the day, leave a talk radio station on. Keep your pet out of areas of your home where he might eat something toxic or injure himself. Keep your fence well maintained.

If your dog starts to have behavior problems, don't despair! There's nothing to say that you can't start training him to change his behavior! With a little patience and perseverance, you will be able to eliminate most bad behavior. In the most extreme cases, you may not be able to stop the behavior, but with training your dog will show improvement.

Some problems won't be entirely eliminated, especially if you chose a dog that doesn't have the temperament for your lifestyle. But even some of these dogs can change if you have a good dog/dog owner relationship. Now we'll look at some of the most common behavior problems and how to re-train your dog to behave appropriately.

Marilyn Burnham

Author: 'Dog Owners Boot Camp'

The How To Guide, Dog Training Secrets Professional Dog Trainers Don't Want You To Know!

For More Information On Dog Training

Marilyn Burnham was the owner operator of 4 successful dog grooming stores in British Columbia, Canada for more than a decade. To spend more time with her children Marilyn made the decision to sell her business in the mid 90's. Get a copy of her book: ?Dog Owners Boot Camp? The How To Guide, Dog Training Secrets Professional Dog Trainers Don?t Want You To Know!

Bad dog, Bad Dog, Whatcha Gonna do? Part 1

(AFV), one of the $ 10,000 prize will be awarded to the three top-observations of the last episode of "America's Funniest Home videos", video a family pet dog had made a home for the consequences of the destruction. This dog was destroyed the copied off of the frame, which is landed in a doorway at the patio door and the frame of the screen, shredded, carpeting, broken glass and was literally "eaten" three foot hole in the wall, according to the four foot-end table, destruction of sheetrock, insulation and the framing of a process. He was one of the dog, demolition crew! I was horrified and appalled that watched the video and giggles and gasps of the mixture kuunneltua-viewing audience. It was as if the poor, some family shrugged their shoulders and said, "Bad Dog, Bad Dog, Whatcha Gonna do?"

However, the more appropriate question is, "My dog, my dog, WHY do you do what you can do?" The answer to this question is not a simple one. Entire books are written for the "bad dog behavior." And the truth is that every dog is different, as a result, it is "pat answer" for all situations. However, basic information about the "who's who in the dogs are and how they work" leads us to the appropriate proposals on how to deal with difficult and domineering personality of dogs. If the "Bad Dog Syndrome" suffer, this article helps you understand the user's dog has (Alpha Dog approaches), and teach you how to "reprogram" and needed to account properly for the dog.Soon you will be able to say, "Good Dog, Good Dog, Oh how I love you!"You can search for a follow-up article in "Bad Dog, Bad Dog" part 2 K-9 Outfitters, Damascus Road Enterprises Division, A Feature article.

But we continue, if you suffer from the "bad dog syndrome" with the family pet, make sure that the underlying medical condition, does not Take the user's dog veterinarian., explains the problem and ensure that he is healthy and does not suffer from dental, gut, explosion, parasitic diseases if they are, or other problems. When you find the user's dog is healthy, the following information will prove to be useful.

Dogs are, by their very nature, the pack animals. Pack animal behavior is instinctive, starting before the dogs domestic and lived in the wild. Each Pack is the top level in a hierarchy, and each animal Pack has the duties, responsibilities and expectations. Because the user does not live in the wild dog, he assumes that your family and other household pets, constitute the "packaging".Many times the "bad dog behavior" is as a result, the likelihood of confusion on the part of the status of the "Alpha Dog" or "Alpha Dog" approaches. You must connect to the "Alpha" dog Pack. you can also establish that the other members of the family, children, include all specified greater Pack as the user's dog.To enable the user to the dog, the classification of his proper Pack effectively in many different ways. here are some suggestions for the treatment or processing undergone domineering personality in relation to the establishment of a Pack of dogs and rankings rules:

1. When you enter a House, make sure that the user's dog moves to the last, even if he has put a leash.This shows his if he classifies family "Pack."

2. Alpha dogs you want to run the entire House. Make sure that the boundaries of the home Member State shall include but not be limited to certain areas of the dog Which may include certain. [1] [2] bedrooms, Laundry room, bathrooms, or den. Therefore you must make sure that you are the master of the House, not her dog.

3. Alpha dogs will take you high traffic areas, such as helpful and entryways. don't step on or go to the dog, the dog around buttons to "nudge" this position and tell him to move out of the way and make sure that he does so. In that case, he knows who owns the status and who is assigned to.

4. do not allow the user to the attention of the dog in the contend. Dogs do this normally climb on your own belt or nudge hand or arm.Make sure the dog to sit, lie down, etc, and lavish praise and attention from other, you have control. [1] [2] when you enter the user's attention and affection of praise the dog.

5. in order to exercise a dominant influence on the user's dog possessions. Take away his toys, then give him the command and when she was a member of the regional aid, give him a toy than with an error. When he plays it for some time, take it again.

6. When you return to the home, make sure the user's dog to greet you in the first place.Ignore him until he does. He is to be the lowly, not around the other.

7. confirm the dogs eating times.Pack Alpha Dog eats always first and then other dogs to eat.Make sure that the family after the first dog eats.If the dog has a feed, first of all, pretend to eat something first, then feed the user's dog.Omit the dog food for 10-15 minutes and then take up whether the dog has been completed. [1] [2] He learns quickly to eat, when you enter.

8. Always stroke (pet) that user is a member of the dog's head, neck and shoulder, and These are sensitive around. regions, where the dog and shows that you are better.Be careful not to stroke around the chest, the user of a dog because it puts him in the position and reduce the Alpha olympiamitaleille dog that authority.

9. does not allow the user to the dog to sleep in your bed!I know that there are some seriously hard, but believe me, it's a good idea to all parties to the dispute. the best thing to do is submit a Dog Crate Cage, or place it in your own bed. bedroom, if that helps, but it is to be made. Dogs "Kennel" in nature. [1] [2] They call their own, such as they are safe, snug place.

The user has their own pet dog. Finally, all he really wants is love and affection (i.e. time together). I hope these ideas and proposals on better law-making and with the understanding that the user has a role to play in ensuring that he or she has a dog, call the family relationship, soon moves you can say "Bad Dog, Bad Dog, Whatcha Gonna do?"-by saying, "Good Dog, Good Dog, Oh how I Love You!"

Otherwise, the "Destructive Dog" video wins the prize AFV, even though I am sure that the family have been able to use the money for the corrections of our instructions prove. much cheaper and would make a lot of harmonic family and pets.

Danny Presswood, 2006 all rights reserved.

Danny Presswood is a former U.s. Army Combat (Airborne) chaplain. [1] [2] he and his wife Cheri live wooded hills of the Ozarks SW MO. working on his doctorate at the moment, Danny type K-9 Outfitters, Damascus Road Enterprises Division, A feature article, K-9 Outfitters offers a plethora of discount, luxury, unique and handmade IN THE USA dog delivered.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Private Dog Parks: the safe mode option can be

With an increasing number of serious incidents being reported at dog parks, I want to introduce the safe alternative that a well-run private dog park can provide. You will find that a properly designed and managed private dog park is a dramatically different experience than what you have read about or have witnessed in public parks. A privately run dog park can properly screen, staff and enforce park regulations. We do caution you that even with the information you will gain from this article, please know that any dog park is not regulated, so we encourage everyone to do their homework before visiting any dog park to ensure it is right for you and your dog.

The current trend is that community and homeowner associations are responding to community demand by setting aside a small plot of their land for a public dog park. Unfortunately these unmanaged and unregulated fenced areas often turn to that of neighbor confrontation, injury and horror, even with the best of intending groups and dog owners. Let's face it, without any oversight or enforcement, incidents are going to occur. Because I recognized the dangers in dog parks to the point that I would not take my dogs to one, I was motivated to devise the complex recipe for a safe off-leash dog park. Therefore; I conducted an in-depth investigation of many existing dog parks to establish the precise formula needed to create an off-leash haven.

I visited many, talked with visiting dog owners and observed many dog parks, both private and public. From my investigative travels and with my inherent understanding of dogs, I developed the complex operating matrix for a safe, off-leash dog park. Since that design work, we have successfully opened the first of our many private dog parks that thousands of qualifying dogs and their owners have already enjoyed. Our safety performance at the Royal Paws Dog Park & Doggie Day Camp facility speaks for itself with an impeccable safety performance and industry leading staffing ratio.

Benefits to your Dog with Off-Leash Exercise

The benefits to a dog at an off-leash dog park or any open area of land are immense. Unleashed running elevates heart rate, increases metabolism, improves gastrointestinal efficiency, and extends muscles and joints, all of which contributes to general overall fitness. It is known that maintaining such a healthy lifestyle for your loved dog will increase longevity and reduce risk of all associated conditions and diseases that obesity can cause. The experience for your dog in open field run is like no leashed exercise we can otherwise provide and the benefits will last a lifetime. When letting your dog run in an open field for exercise value, please consider that there are many risks to both you and your dog. You may be violating leash laws, the dog can track a scent or get lost, run into traffic or unwelcome neighborhood area, confront aggressive dogs or dangerous wildlife or foliage; which are all of the reasons as why I do not take my dogs to any open land without fences despite their excellent obedience.

In fenced area designated as a dog park, in addition to fitness improvement, your dog can enjoy benefits from the social interaction with the other dogs IF experienced without incident. The advantage for a dog that is well exercised and socialized benefit the dog, the owner and the community ONLY IF they have somehow avoided traumatic incident. Well exercised and socialized dogs are much less likely to contribute to neighborhood nuisances like chronic barking or showing aggression to other dogs.

If public parks could operate as well-run private dog park do, these benefits would be maintained. Unfortunately, many dog parks are not continuously regulated nor do they have the resources or knowledge to accurately screen the dogs; therefore, odds are that incidents will occur. Incidents like your dog being attacked by another dog or even being bullied by another dog can cause regression in social skills, cause behavioral issues, invoke fear aggression or cause physical injury or death. Following any incident at a public park, without a safe and regulated choice of private dog park that can best create positive experiences to overcome the impact of the incident, your dog may never physically or emotionally recover from the past trauma. The likelihood of good experiences for your dog in a well-managed private dog park is the reason that many loved dog owners everywhere chose private over non-regulated public parks.

Premise of a Safe Dog Park - It's Private

The advantages a private dog park has over any public dog park is the ability to secure more favorable, larger parcels of land, improved grounds maintenance, set dog health requirements, enforceable park rules, screening of appropriate tempered dogs and third party intervention. Beware though and do your homework about any private dog park you intend to visit. Just because they can do all of the above does not mean that they do! While it is integral that the private dog park has the ability to control all of the above to make visits to a well-managed private dog park enjoyable, the most important to me are the health and temperament screening and ability of park staff to intervene.

If you have read the actual details in the recent headline grabbing horror stories of incidents in dog parks, they almost always are a result from a dog being in the park that should not be or from uneducated/erroneous decisions made by visiting dog owners. Both of these should not occur if your private dog park is consistent in managing and operating the facility for the safety and enjoyment of all. With private dog parks operating as a business, financial success is always a consideration. So turning away visiting dogs equates to lost revenue, so unless the park is focused exclusively on maintaining a safe environment for all, a private park that is short-term financially driven can pose the same risks that a public park does.

The third party oversight ability of park staff to intervene is required to eliminate personality clashes and biased evaluation of situations and/or dog's behavior. So when the experienced screener determines the dog lacks the temperament so he/she can play with others, it is the park staff's responsibility to deal with the disappointed dog owner. Same intervention by park staff goes in the event a visiting dog owner does not abide by park rules or a dog plays too rough or violations of any other park code of behavior. You can imagine these discussions are difficult; however, by park staff entertaining such discussions it eliminates any personal intervention by visiting dog owners.

Telling a dog owner that their dog is not allowed or can no longer come to the park until troublesome behavior is removed is always difficult. However, it is critical that the staff of the private dog park you are intending to visit has the proper screening system, the diligence to comply and financial ability to effectively turn away the revenue for dogs that do not appear to be capable of socially interacting at such level to keep the park safe for all.

As important to the screening is the park's development and maintenance of expertly developed park rules. To the novice dog owner, many of the park rules appear to be too cumbersome and detailed. The reality is that each rule of a well-run dog park is well thought through and derived from merit by an expert in dog behavior. Compliance to all of the rules is key to the safe enjoyment of the park by all. For example, the toy aggression of a dog or rough play can within seconds turn into a dog fight even with the best of mannered & socialized dogs. Without such detailed rules and the full oversight to insure they are all followed, the private dog park could turn into mayhem.

Dog Park Management of Sizes and Breeds

For the safety of all, we highly recommend separating small dogs from large, excluding entrance to a few breeds, requiring males be neutered unless under strict command and requiring that dogs be at least four months old to enjoy the park. What we hear the most from small dog owners is that they want their small dogs to be able to play in the designated big dog area because "they like to play with big dogs". Although the small dogs may have enjoyed past experiences playing with a large dog of neighbor or friend, the risk remain of physical injury to the small dogs if they are allowed in the same area as big dogs. It is my opinion each size should have designated areas to create safe play for all. Thus, we recommend that when investigating which dog park is right for you, this should be part of consistent operations.

Let me first say I do not believe in stereotyping any particular breed for temperament. However, due to instinctual drive levels, size and bite capacity, there are some breeds that I believe should be prohibited from entry to an off-leash park and some that should have elevated entrance criteria. Pit bulls, not specifically because of temperament but rather from jaw force/releasability should be forbidden from the off-leash dog park. Although we have met some of the sweetest and well-socialized pit bulls, we do not allow them to visit our parks because the risk is so high of severe injury to another dog if they were to bite.

Chow Chows are another breed that unless have a lifetime of scalability or coming in as a young dog, do we rarely let into the park. Any of the other "working breed" dogs, including terriers, due to their breed characteristics, prey drive, protection dog status and/or sheer size should go through elevated entrance criteria. These types of dogs must meet entrance-required temperament, in addition must demonstrate clear owner command. Upon meeting entrance criteria, they undergo frequent evaluations for continued social ability and owner command. All other dogs must pass dog socialization evaluation and demonstrate basic obedience.

Many Responsibilities of the Dog Owner

Even with the best of run private dog parks, the dog owners retain a high level of responsibility upon park entrance while be willing to withstand the occasional park staff directive. They must carefully watch their dog, abide by all park rules, maintain the obedience skills of the dog and know their dog well enough to predict their dog's behavior. Knowing your dog's mood, watching it's posture and identifying or correcting any potential troublesome behaviors is critical so all can enjoy the park. Every dog will encounter occasions where they will meet another dog that they do not like or are uncomfortable around.

It is the best of private dog parks where entry requires command of your dog so that incidents of escalated aggression can be avoided when each dog owner carefully watches their dog and can command their dogs away from each and every situation. Incidents occur only when the dog owners are not vigilant in watching their dogs or do not understand their dog's behavior and the slightest of uncomfortable encounters prolongs to escalate into a dogfight. Again, each dog owner should understand their dog's postures, expressions and movement to be able to differentiate in off-leash situations when they are comfortable and when they are not. If the dog owner does not intuitively understand their dog, we recommend seeking the assistance of a professional dog trainer.

Safely Socializing Dogs Early Benefits Everyone

We believe that all dogs, when in receipt of proper health vaccination should be socialized in a safe environment to improve their ability throughout their life of all of the benefits an off-leash park can provide. Any puppy, following final adult vaccination booster should be introduced socially to other dogs, people, children and other distractions and a well-managed private dog park creates the perfect place. Puppies visiting a safe off-leash park will easily learn good behavior in the dog social structure and provide the dog owner the ability to enhance obedience training with distractions. Just as the benefits of teaching good manners to a dog early in their life are immense, so are the risks that behavior issues or dog aggression will occur in the event the early experiences are traumatic.

With puppies, we strongly encourage you thorough investigation on the park you are considering to take them to best create the opportunity for good experiences. We recommend you confirm that the park is well maintained, strictly managed and rules enforced. Taking the puppy to a private off-leash dog park will provide your dog a life-long of comfort around other dogs, people and children. However; even with the best of private dog parks, there are other distractions that you should have your puppy comfortable with, which is why we also recommend taking a puppy (when fully vaccinated) to busy shopping malls with diverse people and sounds, nature walks with children & bicycles and on-leash dog walking trails to learn on-leash manners.

Picking the Private Dog Park for You

While private dog parks are gaining in popularity because they may be the only choice for safe and enjoyable off-leash fun, enter with caution. If a dog park is "Private", it is operated as a business entity, but this does not guarantee it is safe for you and your dog. It is our recommendation that with any place you intend to take your dog, you first tour the facility. Inspect the fence and the grounds, as well as talk with some of the dog owners visiting to learn about their safety record and staffing. After touring, talk with the park staff about what is required to visit. If you do not have to show paperwork confirming vaccinations or they do not meet your dog and determine social ability with other dogs, we would recommend that you know there may be risks. As with any place that you take your dog, insure you have great command of your dog and you are comfortable with the park layout and your dog's social skills to lessen the chances of a possible incident with another dog.

Terri Malueg-Ray, President & Founder of many industry leading, innovative companies who is an international pet industry expert.

Terri L. Malueg-Ray is President and Founder of six-year-old company, Royal Paws Resort & Day Spa?, Ltd., one-year old company Royal Paws? Dog Park, LLC and founding partner of My Owner Has Gone To Heaven, LLC. Terri is known throughout the pet industry as a true innovator. She has created many premier products and services and most recently introduced her new line of gourmet pet meals, called Pet Tasties?. Terri?s background in engineering, chemistry and computer science provides her the ability to develop, design and execute the creation of Pet Tasties?, the only complete line of healthy, yet tasty brand of gourmet pet meals available in the market today. Following the design of Pet Tasties?, Terri utilized her leadership background to open the first pet restaurant in the Atlanta metro area and has made headlines nationwide. Most notably, on the reality hit TV show, Ambush Makeover, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Jezebel Magazine, Atlanta Magazine.