Saturday, October 30, 2010

Training boards puppy - rear entry when called

Come when called is one of the things most important that we must teach our puppies, that if a dog is called when, it can be left off the coast of head-to-play and consumes energy, resulting in a pet which is quieter and more easy to live well exercised avec.Une calls teaching rapid response can also save a dog for life if he is at the head of danger.
 Puppy dequeue command
Begin teaching the reminder as soon as you can while your puppy is still very young and is always very interested in you.Mature puppies and pass through adolescence, attention turned to the outside world, and it will be harder to do this exercise.
Teach the exercise in your home and garden where your puppy can be safely off the coast of plomb.Obtenez someone to organize your chiot.Lui show you a reward, step backward and crouch down.Ask your helper to liberate your puppy when you call - and then call your puppy.When gets reward you him with great praise and a treatment or a game with a jouet.Répéter several times, gradually increasing the distance between the two of you.
Ask him things he loves, such as going for a walk, for his dinner or to play and practice up to 20 times per day for several weeks so that this lesson well learned.
Once your puppy has learned to come when you call, try this exercise when served elsewhere in the House or garden that it learns to assist you no matter what it is.
Q ' my puppy is not interested to come to me. What should I do?»
Make sure that you have something that he wants to.Be happy, relaxing and fun, so that you don't put too much pressure on your chiot.Ne go too far firstly make it easy for your puppy to vous.Essayez again in a more quiet, less helpless area.
Q ' my puppy come right to moi.Est it scared me?»
No tape or touch the head when it comes to you.Some timid puppies are overwhelmed by the staring and call, so try to turn to the side, for your puppy and gently calling.You can tried to seize your puppy in the past and he learned you patient éviter.Soyez, hold the handle and attract him to vous.Coup him gently as he eats treat it, but not to seize him.
Puppy training tips for success
Use an acute, happy and her voice offer something he really wants to.
When your puppy gets to you, sliding a finger in her collar before him food treat it so that it remains with you for the practice of the next sure you put your hand on the head when you do this, such as reaching above his head can make him back.
Management skills learning
It will take time for you to acquire management skills exercises work successfully, especially if this is your first chiot.Apprendre to organize the process, how to use it as a decoy, take your puppy, use lead to prevent unwanted behavior and all the other skills that you need to take practical, as learn how to mount a vélo.Si you're new to the formation of the puppy, don't expect to be good at it in a first practicing temps.Gardez and you will get better.
 when called, how to train a puppy, training puppy, remember the command
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