Monday, October 25, 2010

Teach your thief how to retrieve

I am a fairly new relationship.  I have never had the pleasure of my own children and to raise a puppy always a pretty simple task for me was, after all, I am a professional ha ha.  I still never treated wrong commands at the wrong time with someone or bad behavior, reinforcement, so the other day, I was dismayed when my pup a bit nasty trash and I grabbed noticed once playful bucked and bowed, and frolicked in the opposite direction.  She called your surrounding in the opposite direction sent threw their price in the air and daring me to chase her.  "Ahhh" I thought, "someone has been chasing if has confiscated a cheeky element".   My new family are not professional dog trainer!
  The tomb and Chase game one of the most popular pastimes of a dog has his, hands down.This interactive game requires a partner, who is often very animated and angry and chases thief around and around Haus.Der dog is arrogant in most cases each angry moment and cry spryly in the entire owner's legs and stroke enjoy, like you, grace and distance with every well timed movement WINS dance, because their owners in furniture locks and throws in direction of the walls and floor in an attempt to catch the robbers. 
Your dog is the absolute time of his life having, and because it the ability to reason, not really sure, he is at some point, he give up or slow down and give you the upper hand.This is usually when judgment arises and enters Gleichung.Hunde don't understand punishment, you go of the have a good time to is take, cried out, or worse still kicked, beaten or missbraucht.In of rule, no matter what the punishment and since there is "AFTER" action happens it reduced your dogs excitement from Outlook to do it again.  
Often it is swallowed, or before the owner has the ability to take it from your pet and enlarged the anger by the frustration is ruined. 
So what do you do then if scruffy grabs your underwear and begins to dash through the House? I use doggy psychology to my Vorteil.Ich have two options that benefit works.
Prevention: I make sure I would have never left any object that it is a holding that he can get no (I recommend this for high prices Elemente.Sie see never sunglasses my $500 on or near the ground) or I keep out so that I can pick the item immediately him on a leash, he has the ability extinguishing agent run and be hunted.  This is not always realistic. 
  Reward:I praise him and go for my underpants receive treatment him as a replacement. 
Trust me the look on his face this will be just like looking at your faces now to reading confused or my customers faces when I the same feat empfehlen.Ja!  Praise and reward!  This keeps you from the run and hunting and the frustration to play game.Instead of by the "best game ever" be rewarded (remember that hunting him and interact with him is a reward for him), he is for shows and makes you rewards.
  Reverse psychology, if you like instead of chasing him in a bad situation;reward for the right to do it and bring to you.
Please, keep locked up, your expensive and dangerous things so that a deadly situation does not occur a.But confronted with this situation, give and give and let your dog know that he has something and it brings you instead of running there is a reward for it is.
Create is not the "a monster from your dog"? this is the most common question I get after the shock and horror goes the look away.People are afraid that this a criminal and reward bad behavior is created.Yes, to a certain extent you will see that escalate behavior, but if you know some important learning and behavior principles it will behavior.
First see your dog of grabbing objects and my puppy you brought to you for Belohnung.gerade morning spit a cent on me, while I was always mean step son soon to be ready for school, and yes I dafür.Einmal rewards you begins to realize that the game brings the object me, then I determine whether can I the behavior or don't like.
Personally, I like dogs that get.I have mentioned, trained and are working with service dogs for people with disabilities for most of my career and I like having a dog taking things I keep drop, God I have to bend over and pick something up! it is a skill, I enjoy and Sie.Meine dogs enjoy everything from get as small as a paper clip, activate as big as a wheel chair.
If the behavior is consistent, (no more darts and hyphen) I choose either continue to enhance it with praise and rewards and then questions for it on command, or I never again how to reward and wait for the behavior to delete.
Seeing that dogs are just flat we humans, are at first, you will be paid for a behavior, but then never get back payment for this behavior, you refuse it more to zeigen.stellen your work decided itself, with no payout that probably never back would pay to verlassen.jedoch, if you reward your pay with above place education increase, frequent bonuses and treated with kindness and praise are probably happy employees for life.
If you do not want this behavior, reward him with never anything other than half-hearted praise become sehen.Sie quickly see the predatory decreased.
If you are lazy like me, and have to a dog that gets command then give it a command and start requiring more and more, until you get a polished (more on that later).
Your dog is easy; you can also negative emotions and behavior from the sein.Verwenden rewarding the knowledge of reverse psychology to your Vorteil.Es is much easier than hunting your dog out of the frustration!
I love a dog that retrieves
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