Your source for free ebooks, videos and reviews on all aspects of Dog Training. Includes breed specific such as German Shepherd, Pit Bull, beagle, etc. Puppy and house training. Crate training and more.
Monday, January 31, 2011
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Dog Training Tips - 5 Most Common Puppy House Training Mistakes
When we decide to bring a puppy home, most of us have this rosy picture of a beautiful, perfectly well-mannered fur ball that obeys our every instruction and impresses all our friends. Most of the time however, our illusions are shattered by a frisky little puppy that seems hell-bent on soiling our carpets, destroying our shoes and embarrassing us before guests by begging for food. Why?
The common culprit in all such situations is puppy-house-training mistakes. We will now take a look at the 5 most common puppy house training mistakes that people make and attempt to rectify them.
Consistency: One of the most common puppy house training mistakes that new dog owners make, is not being consistent with training. Training a puppy is a huge commitment and unless you're sure you're up for the task, it might be a wise idea not to bring one home.
Owners often make a rule and then break it themselves. For example, telling a puppy that he's not allowed into the study isn't going to work unless you establish it every second on a daily basis. It is not okay to yell at your puppy one day for entering the study and then allowing him in another day because you're not in the mood for disciplining him or because you don't have the time. Your puppy will fail to register that as a rule and will continue entering the study because you failed to establish it.
Pampering: It's extremely difficult to not want to pamper and spoil your adorable little fur ball. This however, is another most common puppy house training mistake that people make; especially, when it comes to food. If your puppy refuses to eat what's put on his plate, don't keep offering him treats until he shows an interest in something. Dogs will not starve themselves. Sooner or later, your puppy will eat what's given to him whether or not he thinks it tastes like pepper steak. Giving him what he wants at the puppy stage will ensure you have a full-fledged spoilled brat of a canine companion with seriously expensive dog-food bills to boot.
People Food: Feeding your puppy what you eat is another common puppy house training mistake that people make. This isn't just extremely unhealthy for your puppy, it also turns him into a greedy glutton who will follow you around at the mere ruffling of a plastic bag or the opening of a lunch box. It gets worse when he begs, steals or just pounces on your food in the presence of guests.
Encouraging cute-puppy traits: Just like humans, what's cute on little ones is most often unacceptable in adult dogs. So, letting your puppy jump all over your guests might make him adorable now, but turn out to be a very embarrassing problem when he's big and your guests don't appreciate your full-grown dog, getting on their evening wear with his fresh-from-the-outdoors paws.
Hitting your puppy: Harsh methods of correction, is another one of those most common puppy house training mistakes. Though many guidebooks and trainers explicitly suggest that you do not resort to hitting or harsh training, many dog owners follow the old school method that only robs them of their puppies' trust and puts in fear. The result is an overtly suspicious adult dog that bites anyone who attempts to pet and stroke him.
There are loads of other common puppy house training mistakes as well, but keeping these basic ones in mind might ensure you make the initial picture of the puppy in your head, a reality.
For Free methods on how to train your dog go to: Dog Training Tips
I am a professional dog trainer and have trained various mixed and pure breeds. I have seen some great dogs with some terrible dog owners. I want very much to assist the misguided dog owners to be responsible for how they train their pets. Visit my website at:
Sunday, January 30, 2011
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How to Avoid Dog Biting Problems
Small puppies usually undergo the teething stage, that's why they bite a lot. So, if you have chosen to acquire a young dog, you better prepare yourself for frequent biting. Ready yourself for the dog biting problems that you have to face. However, you do not really have to worry because even if puppy bites may be a little painful, they don't cause any serious injury. Nevertheless, it is best to start training a puppy. Puppies are easier to train compared to older dogs. But it is more preferable not to take the puppy away from its mother until it is ten weeks old. At this age, it is only beginning to learn painful and non-painful biting. So, you better let it play-fight with its siblings first.
Then, once your puppy is old enough for training, you have to tour it around your house and your neighborhood. It needs to become familiar with its surroundings so it will know that it is secured. As you know, unfamiliar surroundings can prompt aggressive behaviors in dogs such as biting, gnawing, and barking. And you and your neighbors will not be pleased if it develops dog biting problems. So, you really have to introduce it to people and places around. You must also allow it to be touched and patted by your family and friends so it will know that these people are allies. Dogs have this predator kind of mentality, and it sees you as its ally. But you must also let it know that you are, in fact, the leader of the pack. So, it must listen and obey you at all times.
Then, you must prevent your dog from being stressed as stress can cause dog biting problems. You have to avoid leaving it alone in your house often, or leaving it in an unfamiliar place. However, leaving for work or travel is inevitable. So, be sure that you train your dog to become used being left in the house. You must also make sure that it does not get into fights with your neighbors' dogs because this might also cause it to become stressed. In addition, you have to show that you love and care for it. You must give it enough attention everyday. It will appreciate even just a simple pat on its head or a rub on its tummy. But you must also walk it regularly and play with it often. You must talk to it and praise it, as well.
Moreover, you have to feed it everyday with nutritious foods. You can buy dog foods in supermarkets. These goods are especially formulated with the necessary nutrients that dogs need. But you can also feed it with cooked meat. Then, you must also not forget to reward it with delicious treats. Hot dogs or cooked pieces of chicken are recommended. So, if you follow these suggestions, you and your dog will have a harmonious relationship. And you will be able to avoid dog biting problems in general, as well.
In order to avoid dog behavior problems you have to train your dog carefully. You can only train your dog well by knowing the right method. You can find everything you need to train your dog here:
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Dog Behavior Decoded
Decode what your dog's behavior is trying to communicate to you, including:
- Does a wagging tail mean a friendly dog?
- What does it mean when your dog yawns?
- Are licking and leaning on you "dominance behaviors"? And, should you stop your dog from doing them?
- When your dog rolls over on his back, is he inviting a belly rub?
- If your dog urinates on your possessions, is he mad at you?
- Do dogs express guilt?
And Much More...
Dr. Suzanne Hetts & Dr. Dan Estep are award winning authors and international speakers. They've helped thousands of families have well behaved dogs by teaching people and pets to communicate; created pet education programs for corporations; been on talk shows, newspaper columnists, and expert witnesses in legal cases.
They are professionally certified as Applied Animal Behaviorists and provide scientific pet behavior education at
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Price: $19.95
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How To Stop Dog Biting
Dogs and puppies 'nip' as a natural exploration and method of play. Whilst in their litter the puppy will learn the limits of when and how hard to bite or nip as his littler mates will squeal sharply if he bites too hard. He will then be ostracized for a short period. However, if the puppy is removed from the litter too early he may not learn this and it may be up to you to teach him. Teaching your puppy or dog to stop biting is important for both you and your dog. If you are out with your dog and he decides to 'nip' a stranger you may be subject to a fine or worse. Of course it could be even worse for your dog.
Understanding what dogs are doing when they are 'mouthing' or 'nipping' is fundamentally to understanding how to reduce it and make sure he does not continue in an inappropriate way.
Dogs use their mouths much as a human toddler. They explore their environment with their mouths. This is part of how they communicate. However your puppy needs to be trained to not continue with this behavior. You as the owner need to understand how to stop dog biting when it is inappropriate or too aggressive.
Depending on your dogs breed they may enjoy boisterous play and nip more frequently. Some owners will not accept any form of 'mouthing' from their dogs but it is up to you how much is acceptable in your household, especially if you have young children who may be rough with the puppy. In this case you must supervise the child and the puppy until both understand just how to treat each other. Of course your puppy has to learn his place in the pack which is below all the other humans in the house. If he does not then you may have some problems with your dog in later life. You can achieve this with positive reinforcement. Never use any form of punishment with your dog. This will often have a counter effect. Always praise good behavior and ignore bad.
This technique will work successfully with any age of dog but if your dog is older it may take a little longer. When your puppy or dog 'nips' you make a loud squeal like his litter mates would do. Turn away from your puppy for a bout 30 seconds or so, not too long or he will move on to play with something else. Then praise him for not continuing this 'nipping' behavior. Always praise good behavior. If your puppy is continuing to be overly excited and you are unable to control him, put him in his crate or a room on his own for a few minutes until he has calmed down. Then when he returns to you praise him again for not 'nipping'.
Being consistent is the key to all dog training. If you want to be successful and stop dog biting you must firstly understand why he is doing it and work with the dogs' natural instincts.
Ellie Bear is a dog lover and has owned and trained dogs for a number of years. For the best and most well behaved dog on the block go to where you will find the most up to date information on how to train your dog successfully. Don't let your dog be an embarrassment, all he needs is the proper training and you will be able to take him anywhere with confidence. Just follow the simple humane training advice at
Friday, January 28, 2011
How to Stop Dog Biting - Simple Training Techniques to Stop Biting Problems Easily & Fast
Many dog owners want to know how to stop dog biting. A dog biting or nipping may start off as being cute or fun, but this can easily develop into a continuous problem. For most dogs, biting is a natural and essential part of their life, and this is especially true for puppies who are teething.
Fortunately, stopping these biting problems can be done easily. One thing you should never do is slap or hit your dog in the face, as this can make your dog develop even bigger problems. Moreover, your dog may think you're playing or could become scared of you.
To stop dog biting problems one of the first things you must do is teach your dog how to control the force of his biting. This will make sure that any biting your dog does, the damage done will not be as bad.
To teach your dog how to control the pressure of his biting you must practice a technique known as play biting. The idea is to get your dog to know when he is biting too hard. Start playing with him and allow him to bite your hands.
When you feel his bite is too hard say "ouch", which will stop the biting. When he lets go you should leave the room to give your dog some time to reflect on what he did, and then return to the room and continue playing with him. Repeat this technique until your dog's biting pressure has dramatically reduced or stopped.
Another technique to stop dog biting problems is effective when you catch the problem early. This technique involves giving your dog a toy or chew bone to redirect the biting. As soon as your dog begins to bite yell "leave it" and replace the inappropriate item he's biting with the chew toy.
Another way to stop dog biting problems is to put a choke collar on your dog and every time he bites you give the collar a sharp tug. This action will make your dog have an unpleasant association with biting you, thus making him stop.
When you're trying to stop dog biting problems it will take consistency with whatever training technique you decide to use for the best results. If you feel you're dealing with a very aggressive dog you should get the help of an experienced dog trainer.
Tired of your dog's behavior problems but don't know what to do? Learn the most effective Dog House Training Techniques.
These techniques are advanced but easy to learn. How nice would it be to have your dog behave the way you want?----> Click Here
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Thursday, January 27, 2011
How to Train a Puppy in 3 Steps by Trying Dog Crate Training!
Dog crate training is one of the most important things that dog owners should do when learning how train puppy. Learning this will keep your pup safe from those dangerous and questionable house hold objects. It is very unfortunate that many dogs injure themselves and are killed every year from biting on wires, ingesting poisonous chemicals and swallowing harmful objects. This could have been avoided by just learning how train puppy from the start. So, try these three steps when your Dog Crate Training:
Step one, when the pup appears to be interested in his cage, cue the crate command each time, then be sure to praise him repeatedly after. Duplicate this as often as you can. You will begin seeing the pup become more interested each time.
Step two, repetition is the key when learning how train puppy effectively. After you see that your pup is interested, reduce the treating to only when your dog starts walking toward the dog crate training, then wait until he reaches his crate.
Step three, be for you know it, the dog will be frequently visiting his crate just hoping for those treats. At that point, hold off on praising him with treats until he goes into the cage and sits down for you. You should learn how train puppy gradually. You will master dog crate training when the pup steps inside the crate, sits down and allows you to close the crate door. You should treat him through the door at this point.
I came across this great free video that has a detailed dog training lessons on it, so I included it in the highlighted link at the bottom. It has all the basics covered, so be sure to watch it. Everyone should start dog crate training and learn how train puppy sooner then later to insure that your dog will always be safe.
Learn How Train Puppy and all About Dog Crate Training... By Clicking on One of the Highlighted Links to Watch The FREE Dog Training Lessons Now!
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011
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Puppy Crate Training at Night - Train Your Dog to Sleep Quietly Through the Nigh in 3 Easy Steps!
Puppy crate training at night is often a necessity for many of us. We don't want our puppy to walk around the house and pee all over it or chew on the furniture while we're asleep. Crate training will also protect the puppy from getting into trouble and will teach him that staying close to his new family isn't that bed at all. Many of us have to deal with whining and it can get really annoying when one needs to wake up 3 times during the night to take the puppy outside so that he can eliminate. This article will show you some simple tips you can implement right away if you want to get involved into puppy crate training at night.
Puppy Crate Training At Night Part 1 - Get A Proper Crate
The first step in puppy crate training at night involves purchasing crate. Make sure you buy a wire crate instead of a plastic one because it's more resistant to biting and chewing and will last longer. You should avoid crates that are too big for your puppy because he may end up soiling on of the corners if forced to. Dogs are naturally clean animals and will try no to eliminate in their sleeping area but if it's big enough and they can't hold it anymore they will do it inside the crate. Remember to get a crate with smooth floor as well as this will make it more comfortable for your puppy. If you can put one of your old t-shirts inside and cover his sleeping pad with it. This will make your pet's new home more friendly and will speed up the crate training process.
Puppy Crate Training At Night Part 2 - Help Your Pet Accustom To His New Home
Second thing you need to know about puppy crate training at night is how to introduce the crate to your dog so that he's not afraid to spend whole night inside it. At the beginning put some treats inside it (a chew toy, dog snacks etc.) in order to lure the dog in. As soon as he gets there praise him and let him get out if he wants to. Next, start putting his meals inside the crate so that he has to eat in there regularly. Don't close the door yet as we're trying to make the whole puppy crate training at night process as smooth and stress free as possible. Try to coax him down by giving him more snacks and praising all the time.
Within a few days your dog should start feeling confident about staying in the crate, this is the perfect time to close the door. Make sure you stay with the puppy for a while and keep stroking him, then leave for a few minutes. Do not come back running if you hear him whining. Your dog is trying to play on your emotions and if you fall for this he will use it against you in the future. Instead, wait till he calms down and relieve him, praising for being a good, calm puppy.
Puppy Crate Training At Night Part 3 - Small Things That Make A Big Difference
Last but not least, few minor things that will significantly boost the effects achieved with this puppy crate training at night method. Remember to take your dog outside right before bedtime so that he can eliminate before going to sleep. Keep the crate close to your bed so that you can hear the whining in case your dog needs to urinate or defecate (you will have to wake up and help him for the first few weeks as puppies cannot control their bladder and colon until they are 12 weeks old). Staying close to you will also make him feel secure and comfortable. This puppy crate training at night method should bring you first results within one week.
Tired of coming home to that mess on the floor? Want to learn more solid proof ways to crate train your puppy FAST and keep him out of trouble while you're away? Click Here Now to find out how you too can train your dog to be the pet you want him to be!
Puppy House Training
Once you arrive home with your puppy there will inevitably be a period of adjustment, but even during the first week or two your new arrival can begin to learn what is considered acceptable behaviour in your home - where it is supposed to go to the toilet, what it is allowed to chew, where it can sleep and so on.
Some people do not mind having their dog on the couch. For others, a pet on the furniture would be unacceptable behaviour. The same holds true for begging at the table, jumping up at people, and other objectionable behaviours.
Decide at the start what your household policy will be, enforce it from these first early weeks and most importantly be consistent.
Failure to teach your dog the rules of the house when he is young can result in an unmanageable adult dog.
If you have decided that your puppy is going to sleep in a dog bed or crate, make sure you enforce that behaviour from day one. Your puppy might cry in response to separation from mother or litter mates. A hot water bottle and plenty of TLC should provide a little extra comfort.
Teaching your puppy where you expect him or her to go to the bathroom is probably the most critical part of training
The best method of toilet training is to take your puppy out within several minutes after each meal, after each nap, and after playing. These are predictable moments during the day when bowel and bladder are most full.
Feed your puppy at scheduled mealtimes and avoid snacks between feedings if at all possible. Allowing your puppy continuous access to food or water makes house training more difficult. Prevent "accidents" between meals by taking your pup out before the accidents occur.
The outward signs a puppy may show include circling, squatting, whimpering, sniffing the floor or sneaking off and heading for the door, and he must be taken outside immediately to perform. If you're not quick enough, the puppy should still be taken outside to finish the act.
It is best to walk your puppy within 15 minutes or sooner after each meal. Take him out to the same spot each time. If your puppy is too young to walk on a leash, carry him outside to an enclosed, safe area. Stay nearby and play with or pet him.
Praise immediately once the task is completed. A few tasty treats offered when the puppy goes in the right place can encourage good behaviour. These then can be given intermittently and then stopped after training has been successful.
Don't be fooled if your puppy happens to get it right for the first few weeks. Start now, and stick with it until your pup really has no accidents. Toilet training isn't great fun, but it is crucial.
Chewing if often a headache with pups, and many a carpet or chair has suffered from the ravages of puppy teeth. Initially, a puppy will use his mouth to investigate his environment, and throughout the teething process, it gives a puppy relief to chew on all manner of items. Providing appropriate items for your puppy to chew on can sometimes be a simple way of solving the problem.
At a very young age puppies begin to learn how much pressure with their mouths is too much by the reactions of their mothers and litter mates. When puppies play, they bite each other's ears and chew each other's necks, until one bites down too hard. Then, the bitten puppy lets out a piercing cry, gets up and walks away.
This teaches the biting puppy that when it is too rough, play ends. If it is you that the puppy is chewing, the moment the pressure increases use a high pitched cry, leaving your hand in his mouth. Once the pressure is released, slowly remove your hand and praise him, offering a suitable chew toy in exchange.
Socialisation training is the other aspect of behaviour that needs reinforcing early on. Key experiences during the first three months of life will form the basis of how the puppy relates to and interacts with many individuals that they will come across in their future lives such as:
o Adults and children
o Other dogs and puppies
o Different types of pets, livestock and horses
o And not forgetting the postman!
Also during this period puppies get used to the every day hassles of life which include:
o Household noises and appliances
o Cars and traffic
o Crowds
o Periods of separation
Unfortunately the primary course of vaccinations for puppies will only be completed at about 11 to 12 weeks of age, which leaves only a small window during the last month of the critical 'sensitive developmental period' to achieve socialisation.
The aim of training is to achieve a puppy that is friendly and eager to meet people and other animals. You can then build on this by preventing bad behaviour, ignoring or distracting unwanted actions and rewarding and praising good behaviour. Hopefully, this will produce a dog that is a pleasure to own.
John Burns is a qualified veterinarian who for the past fourteen years has also been producing a natural, holistic and complete food for dogs and cats, Burns Real Food - free of artificial colours, flavourings and preservatives.
As a practising Veterinary Surgeon, John became increasingly concerned about the quality of pet foods on the market, and how nutrition was playing a part in the poor health of the pets that he was seeing in his surgery.
Burns Pet Nutrition are known for being an ethical company with excellent customer service and nutrition support which can be accessed via their website
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
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Puppy House Training - 3 Very Simple and Effective Puppy House Training Tips
Puppy house training is a must for every dog owners that young dog must learn how to become a member of your family. In this article, I will give you some very simple yet effective puppy house training tips that everyone can follow.
The best way to potty train a puppy
Potty training is one of the most important parts of puppy house training. To do this first you set a small room as a place where you can potty train your puppy, cover the floor of that room with newspaper and bring all his toys and also his food bowl inside the room this room will be your puppy area.
He will litter all over the place for the first time, but as he/she is getting older the he will prefer one spot to relieve himself, when this happens you can slowly remove the newspaper in the area until the only paper left is in the area where he choose to do his business.
This is truly the best way to potty train your puppy, just remember any time you have the time spend a lot of time with your young dog this will make the training process faster.
How to get your puppy stop biting
Biting behavior in young puppies are very annoying because he could destroy many valuable stuff if this problem is not taken care off this is why to train your young dog to stop biting is very important in puppy house training, the best way on how to get him stop biting is simply by giving him something to chew such as chew toys and ropes.
And don't forget to socialize him, bring him to meet other puppies and people start from kids, adult, and older people. Do this before they reach the age of three months.
How to stop puppy from jumping
For the first time it is cute to see your puppy to jump on you that little thing wiggling its tail, it is very cute, but if he grow into a big dog with weight over 100 pounds, this behavior could injure someone or yourself.
One of the best ways on how to stop puppy from jumping is by gently put his feet back on the floor, if the puppy remain standing there give him a praise.
You can try to train him to give his paw instead of jumping up. When training a puppy not to jump, consistency is very important you have to tell all of your friend and family member that the puppy is not allowed to jump on anyone.
More thorough technique and tips can be found at [] in here you'll find technique to train your dog including:
- Puppy House Training / Potty Ttraining
- Dog Obedience Training
- Crate Training
- Good Puppy & Dog Manners
And many other dog training [] technique that used by pros.
Monday, January 24, 2011
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Puppy House Training - Get All Information You Need to Pull Through - Find Your Training Lifelines
If you think puppy house training is a breeze, think again. It is one of the difficult phases in owning a pet; both you and your pooch would be adjusting to each other. It sounds like a commitment, well, it is. You have committed yourself to the responsibility of raising a dog, living in a human world; to acquire certain skills and accept rules; and to be a loyal companion for you and your family. If you are a first time owner, you will have your hands full in dealing with puppy house training, and you will need all the support you can get. Knowledge and experience of others; and your own research and estimations of your responsibilities will be valuable. Here are some tips on how you can approach your responsibilities as master:
Knowing your dog. Researching as much as possible on the breed and their natural behavior is important prior to adoption or ownership. This will include your living conditions and lifestyle. It is only practical to think of how a big dog like a Rottweiler or English Mastiff fit an apartment space that is intended for just one occupant. And how about the potty training, which is one of the core reason of puppy house training; whether you live in an apartment building or house with a lot of open spaces, you will need to research on what method you want to use to train your pet not to do his business in the house. Researching today about caring and training pets is easier; there are a lot of internet sites that cater to giving information on dog breeds and their natural characteristics.
Ask a local veterinarian on how to take care and train your dog. Veterinarians are natural lovers, most of them got into this profession because of their love of dogs. Ask specific questions on how to train; activities he needs to keep healthy; health issues to look out for; and other pertinent questions regarding how to care for his breed.
Other breeders and dog lovers can also help in giving you information on the hands-on experience they had in puppy house training. Every breed has different behavioral patterns, example; afghan hounds tend to have minds of their own, a cat like behavior of ignoring orders. Other breeders can give you specific tips on how to overcome this trait. Another trait dogs have is being too territorial; some breeds are prone to dog barking problems due to this nature, asking other breeders on how they handled this characteristic will help you in your puppy house training.
Your own instinct, aside from accumulating all necessary research from different people and media, you must trust yourself enough to pull through the responsibility. And keep in mind that training your puppy when and where to do his business or not to bite items around the house is a constant process.
If you want to do the puppy house training yourself, be prepared for the struggle and sometimes frustration that may arise from it. Always keep in mind the big difference in you and your pet, you are human and he is a dog; language and basic common sense are different.
Click the text link for more information on puppy house training techniques. It is important to train them correctly if you want to see quick results. If you'd like to read a review of one of the better online dog training products click the following link secrets to dog training.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
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Puppy House Training Tips
Many pet shops like to showcase puppies because they are easier to sell. Kids and teenagers simply adore these little furry animals, and they can't seem to take their eyes off them. The inevitable then happens - they want to take the pups home. The problem is, they don't really know how to be responsible for the pets yet. If you are going to buy a puppy for your kids, know that it will be your responsibility to take care of the dog! Your kids won't be able to do a good enough job.
So before you whip out your credit card and buy the pup, make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into. When the puppy first arrives at your home, the first thing you need to do is to house train the baby animal. You don't want the young pup to run around the house, eliminating all over the place. The person who has to do all the cleaning up is you. And you don't want to add too much unnecessary stress to your busy life.
In general, there are 2 areas you need to focus on. The first area is to train your puppy so that it knows when and where to eliminate. The second area is to train your dog to behave in a socially acceptable manner. That means no barking in the middle of the night, no biting small children, etc. Sounds like a lot to do. But fortunately, dogs are rather intelligent, and young pups are well known to be highly adaptable. So if you put in the time and effort to teach the dog, it can become the perfect family pet.
To train your pup to know when to eliminate, you will need to familiarize yourself with the crate method. You can find all sorts of information on this method on the internet. You start by buying a crate for the pup, and placing the animal in it for several hours at a time. The goal is to train your pup to learn how to control its bladder. Dogs like cleanliness naturally, and they don't like to dirty the area where they sleep. Therefore, when in the crate, they will usually not eliminate.
Be careful not to buy a crate that is too big. Otherwise, the dog will go eliminate in one corner, and then go back to sleep in another. The crate cannot be too small either. It is not meant to be a prison. When the pup is young, the crate is like the second home to the animal. So make sure that you create a comfortable environment. Put some toys around the crate and always have some water for the dog to drink. Your pup will not resist the next time you try to confine it to the crate.
Puppy training tips - Comprehensive puppy house training information available. Expert advice and tips on how to train your pet to be the perfect family pet.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
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Friday, January 21, 2011
Puppy Leash Training - Easy Tips
There are a lot of things to consider when training a new puppy. They chew on things they shouldn't chew on, pee where they shouldn't, and tend to run around and get into trouble just about every chance they get. Teaching your puppy to be on a leash and behave well while on walks is an important part of training, and there are a few things you can do to make puppy leash training a little easier. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the ways you can make having your puppy on a leash less of a hassle.
Puppy leash training generally starts pretty early on, so that they become accustomed to being on a leash. You can run into several problems while leash training, and some are more common than others. The first step is getting a collar on the puppy - if they willingly accept a collar and let you leash them, then you can start working from there. If they don't like a collar or leash and try to bite either you or the leash, or try and take the collar off, you'll need to work with them to get them to let you put the collar and leash on. You can try putting a bitter solution on the leash to keep them from biting it, or you can try using a leash made of a durable material like metal.
Once you've got your puppy leashed, start the puppy leash training by walking around the house or back yard, where there are few distractions (such as other dogs). Try and get your puppy to stay more or less at your side, as this will keep them focused and let them know that they are not free to leave your side while on a leash. If they pull on the leash or get too far away, quickly and sternly say their name to call them back to you. Once you've got them walking by your side, try taking them for a quick walk.
You will probably run into several obstacles during your first few walks during puppy leash training. Other dogs are the most common one, and getting your puppy to politely greet friendly dogs and avoid and ignore aggressive ones is a good place to start. Remember to be patient while training your puppy, as they need lots of help picking up on verbal commands.
Sherry Harris the author of a wide range of puppy topics including, but not limited to: puppy training, grooming, pet travel, puppy insurance, puppy care, pet food, house training, dog breeds and puppy advice. For hundreds more free puppy articles visit Hope you enjoyed the article topic Puppy Leash Training. We are online 24/7 - We're Expecting You!
Start Training Your Puppy!
How does a puppy know that the carpet is not the right place for potty? How do you expect her to know that a pee pad is the right place to pee and not your bed? It is quite natural for a puppy to bark, whine and bite. These are normal puppy behaviors and barking is the only way she knows how to communicate. How do you expect her to understand that excessive barking and biting is unacceptable if she is to live with humans?
By spending time, energy and money for puppy training you can not only avoid the aforementioned problems but also establish a bond of love and companionship with your canine friend. Training is an inseparable component of your puppy's socialization. Training helps her to familiarize with you and your house and makes her understand the norms of living with humans and other animals.
Starting Basic Puppy Training
You can start training a puppy from about 4 to 6 months of age. It is possible to train older dogs, but it's a lot harder. Don't overdo these exercises, 10 minutes a day is adequate. You'll find that your puppy tires fairly quickly, and a tired pup won't learn anything. Be regular in your training sessions, taking him out at about the same time each day. Dress in the same shoes or jacket each training session, and the pup will soon associate those shoes or that jacket with training.
Training Your Puppy to "Sit"
Training your puppy to sit is the basic command of obedience training. The first step in instilling some discipline in your puppy is to make her sit on command. The command 'sit' is very simple to teach and under normal circumstances, your puppy can perfect this command within 4-6 weeks. Of course, much depends upon your persistence and patience.
Here are some simple steps to train your puppy to 'Sit':
Stand in front of your puppy, holding a treat above her nose but beyond her reach. The location of the treat is an important consideration because if you hold it too high, she will tend to jump to reach for it and if you hold it too low; you will find yourself without a treat!
Now, gradually move the treat from above her nose towards her head and continue to trace this path towards her tail. All this while, the puppy will try to maintain an eye contact with the treat and will sit down in the process. The moment you see her trying to sit, call your puppy's name followed by the word 'sit' in a clear and firm tone. For example, "Fido, sit!"
The sit command is very important to control your puppy and instill patience and discipline in her. Proper usage of the sit command can help you prevent bad habits in your puppy such as jumping and begging while you are eating. This will also help you in regulating her mealtime jumping and restlessness. By training your puppy to "sit" on command, you can also save her life in danger situations.
Kevin Lynch owns and offers you more information on training your puppy plus a free newsletter full of all kinds of puppy and dog info at Puppy Training
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Stop Dog Biting Before It Becomes A Possible Lawsuit
Are you having trouble with your dog biting? If you are looking for a way to stop dog biting, then you will need to carefully read over this article. In this article, I will take you through three stages of dog growth and how to stop dog biting at each stage.
The first stage is the puppy biting stage. The second stage is the teenage biting stage and finally the last stage is the adult biting stage. By the end of this article, you will learn how to manage your dog biting problems regardless of the biting stage.
In the first eight weeks of a puppy, puppies normally go through socialization training with other litter mates and their mother. At that time period, they learn not to bite at others. if your puppy is home earlier before the time period, that could be the reason why your puppy is biting. Some of the things you can do to prevent this, is give stern correction, provide an alternative for chewing and learn to ignore your puppy immediately after biting you. These methods are usually effective for puppies under six months.
Teenage Biting Stage:
If your teenage puppy is still biting at this stage, then it means that your dog didn't get the required training during the puppy stage. Canine's at this stage are usually around a year old. This behavior can be corrected with obedience training which you can do from home. Changing the location of where your dog feeds, sleeps and plays are some of the important steps you can take to stop your dog's biting behavior. Obedience training is by far the easiest method to use if you want to know how to stop dog biting. Teaching your dog to come at command, not allowing your dog to roam the house unattended are some of the obedience training techniques you can use.
Adult Biting Stage:
At this stage, a dog bite could spell medical costs and lawsuits. Nobody wants to spend unnecessary money or time in a court room. Though it is difficult to train dog's at this stage, it can be done. The best way to stop your dog biting is to attend an obedience training school. There, you will find qualified dog trainers who can give your dog the training required. Even after a dog returns home from an obedience school, you are still required to adopt a certain behavior towards your dog that would reinforce the training learned while at school.
If you carefully apply the steps on how to stop dog biting, you will be able to successfully stop your dog from biting regardless of biting stage.
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Training Your Puppy to Be a Well Behaved Dog
From the moment you acquire a small senseless puppy, know that you can either raise it to be a well behaved dog that is fun and enjoyable to be with or it can turn to be an annoying barking and biting monster. If you have basic training tips, it is possible to train your dog to be the former without having to take it to a dog training school or hire a dog training expert.
Dogs are like small children; they need to know your rules from the onset. For them to know these rules, you must train them. There must be chain of command and the dog must understand and appreciate that you are the master or "the leader of the pack". Most dog owners fail from day one when they fall in love with the scruffy face, adorable little thing. Frustration and disillusion often sets in fast when the little thing chews on furniture and poops on the couch. To turn this around, it takes a lot of time and patience. Here are a few tips that will assist you turn an annoying little puppy into a well behaved, obedient dog.
Step One: Set the rules
The sooner you set the ground rules, the higher your chances of raising the little puppy into a well mannered dog. Never let the little thing climb on your bed, couch, table, chair or any other place where you wouldn't want a 10 pound dog climbing. Form the onset, the puppy must learn never to jump on guests and stay off the furniture. Every family member must enforce this as well.
Step two: Be consistent in enforcing the rules
Consistency is very important in training a dog. Most dog owners fail in training their dogs because they lack consistency. Unless the trainer is disciplined enough to stand by his rules, there will be no way a dog will be disciplined enough to follow them. Every time the puppy breaks a house rule, make sure that is reprimanded. In most cases, a sharp keyword like "NO" will do the trick. This should apply to all negative behavior observed including jumping, barking, housebreaking, chewing on shoes, climbing on furniture etc. The dog will learn the rules easily and faster if you are consistent with them and will save you a lot of time, effort and headache.
Step Three: Reward any good behavior
Every time the puppy follows a rule as expected, you should reward it. The most effective dog training is as a result of positive reinforcement and not punishment. To start with, the best reward is an edible treat. With time, this can change to positive attention, praise and other activities that the puppy likes. Rewarding the puppy will nurture its ability to understand the benefits of listening and obeying.
For the dog owner, consistency and patience are the greatest elements to reaping healthy dog behavior from your puppy. Follow the three step guidelines: Rules, Consistency and Reward and your dog will grow to be a friendly, well mannered and obedient pet.
My name is Kausar Khan and I run a very successful Internet business out of my home. I have been doing this business full time since 2003. Please do visit my websites Training Dog and Dog Training for more information.
Training a Puppy Not to Bite - Stop the Bleeding
Are you in the process of training a puppy not to bite? Puppies biting or nipping people can be a potentially difficult problem to solve if it is not dealt with at an early stage. Although many owners think it is cute that their little puppy tries to bite them, puppies can have razor sharp teeth and as they get older they can inflict some serious harm.
Training a puppy not to bite is of particular importance to those who have little babies in the house. There have been some tragic cases of small yet powerful puppies causing serious injury to babies who were attempting to play with the puppy. If you are having problems with a biting or nipping puppy please keep small babies off the floor where they can come in contact with the puppy.
One method of training a puppy not to bite involves the theory of transference. In this method you would redirect your puppy to stop biting your flesh and transfer that behavior to having the puppy bite on a toy or chew bone. Whenever the puppy makes a lunge for your hands just say "No!" and replace your fingers with the chew toy. Puppies have short memories but if you persist with this type of "replacement" behavior long enough the puppy will start to prefer his chew toy to your hands.
Another method of training a puppy not to bite involves tricking the puppy into thinking that he is hurting you when he nips and bites you. In the classic pack behavior, which a group of dogs and puppies exhibit when they are left to their own devices, you will notice that biting and nipping is part of the play activity. It is only when a puppy or dog yelps that the biting dog will back off.
You can trick the puppy very easily when he next nips at you by letting out an "Ouch!" or an "Arrr!" This will startle the pup and he will learn that his playmate, you, will stop the play activity because you are hurt. This method may sound a bit strange but it is a proven behavioral tactic that is mirrored in the puppy's real world and wired in his DNA.
To learn more about training a puppy not to bite and learn things related to training puppies and dogs, including behavior problems, from an expert in the field, please visit: Training A Puppy Not To Bite.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Understanding Why Dogs Bite
Puppies start to bite even as early as when they are about six months old. If you compare puppy bites with bites from grown up dogs, they are less painful as puppy teeth are usually not well developed nor sharp yet. Most of the time, dog lovers do not pay attention with their dogs' behavior of biting or nipping as these are often thought as normal with young puppies. One must be aware, however, that if this behavior continues, the puppy may turn out to be a biting dog and by then it will be harder or even late for the dog to change his ways.
A few cases have been reported where it was necessary to put to sleep a dog that had hurt a person, especially a young child. Something like this situation would have been avoided if proper training has been given to the dog regarding biting.
Training your dog while he is young will teach your puppy that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. It is advisable for owners to enroll their dogs early in a good behavior program. It is also important to learn and find out the reasons for the dog bites, aside from the fact that biting is a natural behavior for dogs to engage in.
Why Do Dogs Bite?
While growing up, your dog may have taken the role of a leader of the pack. This behavior learned as a puppy may be brought to your home, and this is why you may see your dog trying to dominate you thinking that he is the master and not you. It is best to be aware when this happens so that you can train your dog to understand who is the master in your house.
Investing in a personal dog trainer is a valuable method which can help you train your puppy. You can hire a professional dog trainer and at the same time, you can also continue watching dog training videos or reading ebooks to get an idea how to properly train your dog. Aside for changing the dog's behavior, a dog trainer will also be able to inform you about the reasons why puppies bite and give you suggestions on how to alter this behavior.
Training your puppy to get more used to his human family should start the minute he leaves his litter and his familiar surroundings. You should also understand that there will be some problems that may cause a dog to bite. The differences in language between him and his human family can be quite confusing sometimes. This communication problem can also lead to dog bites.
A dog that has not been properly socialized to understand the differences in communication, may misinterpret a persons actions as threatening and he may respond by biting.
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