Friday, December 31, 2010

Train Your Canine Right Away To Stop Dog Biting

Train your dog to have good and consistent behavior to stop dog biting. You can show in the life-style of your dog that you are its master and that you must be obeyed. This can be helped in part by taking the dog to an obedience school. In the sessions at the school, the leader will educate both you and your dog on proper behavior and the suggested way to discipline the dog to encourage better dog manners.

Puppies can be taught good manners because they have not learned bad behaviors as a way of making their needs known. They do this to get their own way, much as small children do. This doggie education should keep the pet from behaving badly in a new environment or around others. Allowing the bad behavior to continue will stop dog biting. Young dog behavior is excited and active, which lets the puppy live at full steam during most of his/her time awake. The young dog must be shown at an early age to channel that surplus energy without first ruining the house or practicing habits such as biting and chewing.

While larger breeds, are considered dangerous because of the size, studies of many dogs have shown that many types of dogs can be successfully raised in loving homes. The known breeds should be handled with extra care and gentle understanding while they are being trained to be obedient.

Many larger dogs have a reputation for being aggressive or dangerous. This is not always the case. When the dogs are treated with love and care, their propensity to end up behaving inappropriately will be reduced.

It is critical to teach your dog properly and to show the dog the behavior you expect to see. Thousands of injuries are the result of dog bites. Correct training will encourage the pet to form good habits and disregard bad ones. It does not matter what type of dog you have, love and trust is important. This reinforcement of love and gentleness at an early age can reduce the likelihood that they will unexpectedly bite a stranger!

Dogs that feel threatened are more apt to bite. Helping your dog avoid threatening situations is one good way to avoid behavior in which the dog might bite. For example, do not go near other dogs during training.

A dog might attack when they are defending their master. In addition, a mother dog may bite to protect her puppies if she feels they are in danger. Training the dog and making it feel secure and protected is one thing that will help in winning its trust. Showing a desire to work with your dog can create a close relationship between you two.

You can begin to reinforce good behavior in your dog in a number of ways. Start off using a system of rewards in the form of treats to reinforce for your dog that his/her actions are desirable and should be repeated. Watch your pet's food intake to preserve the good health of your pet and avoid over-feeding your him if you are using treats during training.

Stop dog biting while your dog is little because they are easy to teach at that age. Show your dog love and loyalty so they will do the same. You will gain an affectionate and loyal friend for life!

Wilhelm Schnell
Want to have a well behaved dog? Visit our website for more information about how to stop dog biting. Be sure to check out our other FREE dog training articles.

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